Freezing when possesion

Right now I have a system where a character can possess one and after 15 seconds it is dispossessed.

I have the problem that when a character is not possessed it freezes, and it stops playing the movement sound as well as it can freeze while jumping, I have seen that if I add that this character has an empty AI it unfreezes and I repair the errors it had.

My problem is that when giving an AI to a character that is not being controlled, it still doesn’t respond and keeps freezing in the air, any solution please?


Hello @NomeUE , is your problem happening after being possessed and unpossessed the character?

examp: You possess A and jump and unpossess, then A will freeze in the air. Is this your problem?

if my example fit your problem, that might be because after you unpossess it, the character doesn’t have any AIController possessing it. you might want to make the AIController repossess your “unpossessed char”.

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What you have described is correct, it happens when you own and dispossess it, but it also happens when you start the game and there is a dispossessed character in the air, he stays there in the air too.

I also don’t know how to make an AI control the character when starting the game.

yes, that might be because there is no AI Controller controlling the char.

you start the game and there is a dispossessed character in the air

In what case do you need this? why do you need to dispossess it at the start of the game? Is there any reason of why don’t you just leave it without dispossess?

I also don’t know how to make an AI control the character when starting the game.

It is automatically done by unreal if you already set the correct value for auto posses AI in BP.
Like what you already done here, you make that char is auto possessed by AI only if that character is placed in the world. However, IF you spawn the character in the runtime / game, no AI will possess it. So if that character will be spawned in runtime, make sure to make Auto possess AI value is placed in world or spawned.

I’ll try, thank you

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