I’ve downloaded and installed “VS 2017 CE v15.9.4”,
and “UE v4.21” along with its batch-file requested stuff.
The source code compiled fine, but when I pressed “F5”
in order to debug it, and the UE editor started loading,
it stopped at 45%.
Attached please find 2 screenshots displaying VS + UE behaviors :
1.) The progress message on the editor’s window and some PENDING message
on the Output Window are surrounded with red frames.
2.) The progress message on the editor’s window and an EXIT message
on the Output Window are surrounded with red frames; while the one
before last message on the Output Window is surrounded with a blue frame.
Would anyone know why this is and how to fix this ?
Thanks much
Message say that cashe for shader was not found, so it compiles the shaders, which can be long process, it normal when you run project or engine build for the first time. Run you project without debug and it should build it faster, once it done it should have it cached and start up faster.
Shader compiler is separate exe so there work should be visible in task manager
Hi ,
Thanks for your tips.
Just so you know, as a developer myself, I would like to have an option
to run everything in “Debug Mode” in order to be able to follow along
step-by-step style, out of professional interest.
I suppose that at first I’d like letting the editor run as if I’m a regular user though,
which is why I’m going to follow your advice and run without debugging.
Out of a developer’s point a view, here’s a quick follow-up question :
If I understand you correctly, what you’re saying is that the
engine entered a shader-compilation process at 45%,
and then successfully exited its own thread ?
Does that mean that all I had to do was just let it continue
with its initialization process, as it would have eventually opened up
and been ready for me to work with, as a regular user ?
I am definitely going to try that again now.
I’ll let you know how goes.
Thanks much
Worked like a charm !!!
I’ve tried both with and without debug, and indeed, ,
it compiled a lot faster either way and then the editor opened
from within the VS IDE.
Thanks a lot
Good night