Freeze a Skeletal Mesh after a ragdoll and prevent it to move again even when touched

Hi there!

I have a series of skeletal meshes that I want to ragdoll for a while, then freeze and just stop moving entirely, while still have collision to not be traversed by other dynamic assets.

Here’s my current blueprint setup:

It works well! The mesh freezes! Until… another skeletal mesh comes and hit that frozen mesh, then it will still be pushed around as any regular physical object.

I’m wondering what could be the solution to have my frozen mesh just stick where it is and the other skeletal mesh colliding with it just adapt to that frozen mesh instead of pushing it.

Hope that makes sense!

Thank you in advance for your help!


I actually solved it!

If you were struggling with the ragdolls coming back into T-Pose when setting the Stimulate Physics to “false”, know that following my script, you can actually do that and the T-pose won’t happen. They’ll be completely still and keep their ragdolled pose they had!



Thanks a lot. That Set Component Tick Enabled did the magic for me!

This was the best answer! So simple. Thanks.

I’m not sure if this is the solution, IsAnyRigidBodyAwake is still true after SetSimulatePhysics false.