After a research on this forum, youtube and google my old friend, I didn’t find a way to fix what I need.
I think it’s a simple thing but can’t find that
What I want :
A third person view where you can see your character running and interact with objects and people. The camera can rotate around the player freely.
The best exemple is the terra movements and camera setting in this video : TERA online: party of Elin cleans the battlefield (HD gameplay) - YouTube
(I don’t need the zoom option ^^)
What I have now :
I got all the movements, running, jumping and interact. The camera follow the player movements and when I turn the view with mouse, the character follow the camera and I don’t want that…Character Movements - YouTube
So, please, what I have to do in the blueprint to tell to my camera(spring arm) to rotate freely around the character ?
That video looks just like the camera movment that comes standard on the third person template. Or are you talking about having a seperate button or the mouse to rotate the camera independant of the character ?
Are you planning “free camera” one that you can move separately from player character? If so you should split camera pawn from player character pawn.
For tera like camera, you need some logic behind scenes. Your camera should have 2 modes for rotation, one that is standard and follows orientation of pawn, and second that lets you rotate camera without rotating character. For swapping modes use some key (like alt, ctrl or shift, or RMB). When that key is pressed rotate camera with mouse X axis, when released rotate character instead.
This swap can be done with some camera arm setting that determines if it should rotate to owner pawn yaw or not.
So first test both modes manually see if flipping that property does what you need, then do event that turns it on/off depending on modifier key state. Btw. caps would be great here also.
Ps TERA has both modes: free and following character rotation.