[FREE VR PROJECT] Physics Driven VR Drum Kit

Hello! Long time no see…

This time i have a VR project to share with you. I got my hands on a Rift recently and i had always wanted to make a drum kit in VR, so this happened. Everything except the bass is physics simulated. It’s not the most practical VR drum kit in the world but it is fun to play around with. Free VR Drum Kit Project - UE4 - YouTube

Things you should know:

  • There are two types of sticks; one is a static mesh and the other skeletal mesh which uses physical anim. Skeletal stick is pretty good with cymbals but not so much with drums at high velocity, so i havent left it enabled by default. The left hand stick works with the edge of the snare, right one only hits cymbals. If you want the skeletal to work with drums as well you need to make adjustments in OnRep_RimHit function(also explained with comments in the project)
  • Drums, cymbals and the high hat all have physical animation enabled. Rebound is restricked in PhAt via constraints.Rebound gives a satisfying feeling as if you are really hitting something and thats why i’ve made it this way. Skeletal stick also gives the same feeling but… reasons explained above.
  • Rebound feels good but the catch is hit event goes nuts and hit impulse becomes unreliable. To calculate impulse i use the velocity of a component in hand BP as hit occurs. And to prevent continuous hit event(because of rebound) i’ve used a box collision component’s EndOverlap + bit of a delay. You may need to adjust the height of the collision box if you hear double hits.
  • I didnt include any drumless tracks, but you can easily find them on the net or even youtube. I tried to make a 3d widget which uses web browser so that you could at least head over to youtube while in the game but i didnt have time to get it working with VR.
  • Switch between static and skeletal stick is controlled with thumb stick. You may need to change it to something more comfortable for HTC controllers.
  • Sound samples are gathered from Free Sound Packs | SoundPacks.com , https://samplefocus.com/categories/kicks and https://sampleswap.org/filebrowser-n…(FULL%20KITS)/ .If anyone has a real drum kit and can record multiple sounds at different hit speeds and add them to the project feel free to do so! We’d appreciate it. :slight_smile:
  • I can’t guarantee any improvements & maintenance to this project in the long run because the Rift doesn’t belong to me.
  • You can use this project and its content as you like. Just make sure to share some videos if you play something with it!

Download Link for 4.21.0: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jF…rwMbAcx1gfHUPf


Wow, it looks so cool. Thanks

Hello Jacky,

This looks super cool and realistic. Again, a nice work of yours. We will show and use it in Bahcesehir University VR First Laboratuary. Thank you so much.

The best thing I don’t need in this New Year so far!! :smiley: Cooool… (but needs hexagonal electronic drums too)

Glad you like it everyone!

You mean this? 8- )

For some reason this movie comes to my mind when i think about electronic percussions. :stuck_out_tongue:
It is actually very easy to implement those. I even thought about adding cowbell but then i’d have to play some Led Zeppelin, which i can’t… thanks to this project i found out how difficult playing drums is. :\

Yeah, that :slight_smile: It was used everywhere back in 80-ies, and - here is a recent technical / musical video about usage of those (Simmons SDS series) etc. Here:

I hope I’m not intruding here since I already replied on the video, but fantastic work! Thanks for sharing the project as well. I actually develop a VR drumming application called Paradiddle(also with UE4) and here’s the most recent video I recorded with it, I think it’d be cool if we talked :slight_smile:

1 Like

No intrusion at all! I’ve seen Paradiddle actually, awesome work! :slight_smile: I think you have discord so i’ll try to reach you through there.

This is fab! any idea how I can set up my midi E-drums as trigger for the drums to turn this into a mixed reality gig? lol.

thanks for posting this might try it out and see what i can do with it!

it’s really cool!
but my stick doesn’t works with the edge of the snare. the OnComponentHit event of SnareSM in BP_Snare cann’t trigger no matter how.

Very nice - thanks for sharing!

I have watched your videos on youtube and I am very impressed with your project “Lightshow in Unreal Engine 4 with” fake “dynamic indirect lighting”.
It’s really great, but don’t know if you can guide or share or sell it? Can you give me a link to download it. Thank you very much.

Any working download link guys? :frowning:

@Wellywonder82 I just checked the download link and it is working. Let me know if it’s still not working for you for some reason and i’ll upload it somewhere else.

how do i start the game?