**(UPDATE 27.2.2019 - Created Content Plugin, will only work on 4.21)
This is, I think my first post here ever and I’m already feeling quite nervous!
So I got rather bored and started to dive deeper into Unreal Engine 4 and I only recently learned about these “Actor Component” Blueprints, so here is my first work, basic and friendly to use Leveling System.
It contains only Actor Component.
Either place it in project’s plugin folder or engine’s plugin folder so it can be found by any projects made with 4.21 version.
Engine folder
"…\Epic Games\UE_4.21\Engine\Plugins
**Project folder **(contains content and .uproject file)
“project folder\Plugins” (if does not exist, create one)
Afterwards, just remember to enable it from Plugins window.
It contains:
- Actor Component Blueprint
- Game Instance Blueprint
- 2x Widgets (One main widget and one that contains all visual elements)
- Player Pawn as “Showcase”
- Showcase map (No meshes, only player pawn)
So far this is only for UE4.21!
Can do and probably will re-create this with older version of the engine and then upgrade to newer and newer and newer, but will need some time of course.
All you have to do is just add new component inside player character (or why not player controller or even gamemode blueprints) to gain access to Leveling System functions (19 overall for now).
Also the component itself have 9 settings (in “Details” panel).
If you want to add experience after player picks up something or kills an enemy NPC, you’ll have to first cast to player character (or other blueprint you applied Leveling system Component to), then getting Leveling System Component and THEN you have access to all those functions.
Reason why I added Game Instance is because, I assume mainly people create new player characters instead of Game Instance blueprints, so people don’t have to relay on custom player character blueprint… And this only if you decide NOT to use the widget blueprint I created for this. That widget blueprint is the only one that casts to the Game Instance Blueprint (apart from actor component itself).
So if you choose not to use “built-in” widget, then you don’t have to worry about using the game instance I made.
I hope you find this helpful for your projects and most importantly, I hope this works great for you!
If you have any suggestions or if you discover bug(s), let me know!
- Soulspray
Download Project File (Google Drive), 145kb, ZIP
Plugin (Google Drive), 81kb, ZIP