[FREE] Simple Inventory Logic

*Simple Inventory Logic asset - YouTube

Please note that this asset is only a mechanic (the ‘game logic’ or ‘backend’) of a simple inventory (1 slot - 1 item).*

This asset consists of a data structure и functional set to work with.

Although the asset has some examples of implementation for visual part (widgets), such examples are only for showcase, please handle them only as an example. You should create a visual part of inventory yourself better.

Why there isn’t finished visual part in this asset? The mechanics of inventory usually doesn’t have to be changed in the different projects, but the visual part has to be and is always specific. That’s why this asset was made as general as possible without any additional entities and should reduce the routine work on basic mechanics.


  • add item, in consideration of stack
  • move item between containers
  • divide item in two slots
  • decrease item amount (e.g. for consuming)
  • take strict/full amount of items (e.g. for crafting)
  • take max amount of items (e.g. for building)
  • check possibility to set an item in the slot (e.g. for equipment)

Network Replicated: Yes

GitHub: GitHub - station437/SimpleInventoryLogic: Simple Inventory (1 slot - 1 item) Logic asset for Unreal Engine 4
Documentation: here