[FREE] Simple Birds Blueprint - Easily add birds to your projects!

Hello,and thanks for the Birds Blueprint.

I use UE only for cinematic stuff, so I dont run the level and I just use sequences with camera movements, characters motioncap animation etc

I would like to ask you, is tehre a way to activate the birds flight BP in the sequencer without playing the level?

Thank you very much for your support.


I had the same problem. The reason could be one of them;

1- You need to add a navigator. AI Box needs it. Youtube Tutorial
2- I don’t know the reason but “Solo Flight” boolean does not become True in “BP_FlyingAnimals” even if I set the flight mode to “Solo (Light)”. So I modified the BP as below;

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Has this project been abandoned? Anyone know if it works for UE5?

It does work on UE5, indeed after unzipping the original project works fine in 5.3 except the 3rd person char in the demo projects which is stuck but the birds themselves fly even if u cant really see em very well because of this, but you can see their shadows moving about and catch em out the corner of ur eye lol, however if you try exporting it to ur own, it does nothing, as the guy said above it gets stuck checking for solo flight, I spent about an hour messing with it and I have managed to get past this hurdle.

Basically when exported/copied or migrated to ur project somehow the bp gets messed with and it auto-hides the variables it relies on, if you go into original project demo map and check which are hidden/unhidden and match that to urs, hey presto chango single flight now works, alas… whilst im fairly certain its still stuck on flock active in the flock behavior, i couldnt get boids(flocked flight) working outside its own project.

You have to go into details on the birds to set the boundry box manually however you can group select a bunch and do this all in one go, if the boundry box is not set it’ll fly way outside the area.

Similarly for flocked birds you have to select the lowest most option in tree which will let you set the associated manager, unfortunately not worked out how to get the boids working despite them working fine in its own project, im not to experienced with UE yet so best I could manage in an hour was getting solo flight fixed without changing bp, if you did change bp as suggested above it would indeed work in solo flight but then ud loose the boid option as the bird bp is same for both.