A month ago I set out to learn something new and started to look at Unreal Engine 4. I ended up with this, a project far larger than what I initially set out to achieve, but something I am very excited to share!
Inspired by Nordic nature, this scene takes place in a mystic forest by a lake, accompanied by birds and natural sounds that help create a relaxing environment for you to explore.
It’s completely free to download and play on Windows and Linux at https://unreal.nanos.cc
A cinematic trailer
Use it however you like, but unfortunately, I can’t share the source because I used paid content. I created this behind the scenes at least, explaining roughly how it was made and the steps I took. https://medium.com/@d84/the-making-o…o-d0932c0cb45d
I will also try to answer any questions you may have!
You will need a decent computer to enjoy the graphics. Default settings are relatively high, and to get better FPS you can change some settings in the options menu. The HQ water reflection is eating most of the performance and though is meant for high-quality videos and screenshot, try turning that off first. The same for far distant mountains.
We tested Unreal Nano with an Nvidia GTX 670 on medium settings and a GTX 1070 Ti on the high settings, both with good FPS. It will run at your desktop resolution so if you have a 1440p monitor, for example, you may want to turn that down a notch too.
The controls can be found under “Input keys”, and you can also switch camera mode between 3rd and 1st person. You will find the VR switch from the options menu too.
There is also a little bonus tower game that can be played in VR by grabbing and moving bricks, but as of right now I have not solved the VR controller buttons which refuse to work. Will come in a later update. You may want to lower the graphic settings before switching to VR because there is no VR menu yet. You have to kill the game with alt+enter or alt+F4, sorry about that. If the game starts automatically in VR mode, please let me know. Shouldn’t be like that and in that case, you will not use the teleport mode and have to change camera view by keyboard C key.