FREE Project + Tutorial (Retargeting AI mocap from Wonder Dynamics to a Metahuman)

UPDATE: FREE Project + Tutorial:

Testing and mixing some techs, I just did a workflow to retarget AI motion capture from Wonder Dynamics to a Metahuman UE5 and combining with some Scarlett Johansson deepfake process.
I also used Blender and Adobe After Effects + Premiere Pro.

I have so much fun working on it.
Hope you like it :slight_smile:


Hello again @Anderson Rohr; I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend! I can tell by Scarlett’s robust and stylish dance moves within that gorgeous Cyberpunk environment that everyone involved had too much fun making this development, which brings even more joy! Thank you for sharing this lovely AI mocap to Metahuman short animation with us in the forums. :partying_face:

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Would love a peak at your retargeter :slight_smile:


Hey @Zezkaii, thank you so much for your kind words.
It was very nice to work on this project and I just created a tutorial and released this retarget project for free :smiley:
I will update the post.

Thanks again,
Have a great week!

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Hey, thanks for your comment.
After some requests, I just created a tutorial and released this retarget project for FREE :smiley:

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It was my pleasure, and thank you for generously sharing both the tutorial on your workflow and the retarget project for FREE! I have a feeling this will be helpful for a plethora of developers further down the road. :clap: :raised_hands:

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Hey @Zezkaii!
Thank you!! :smiley:

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Hi Anderson. First of all, thank you so much to deliver your project and tutorial. It’s so kindly. But I had a problem using AI Mocap rigs inside Unreal: the bones have strange rotations. I think the problem is on Wonder Studio rigs, but in your tutorial works nicely.
You can see that the imported FBX from AI Mocap is is on his back, his legs are rotated and his torso is inverted. The hands are rotated as well.
What could be wrong? Thanks!!
Here is the Ai Mocap FBX downloaded as result from Wonder Studio:
2_B Pocket023_04030601_C001.fbx (1.7 MB)


Hey @Mauricio_N.Santos, I’m glad you liked the project and tutorial!
Is your actor in Wonder Dynamics project set to Dummy Robot?

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Hello @andersonrohr and thank you so much for this! I followed the steps in your tutorial but I can’t make it work not sure why. I am able to do the retargeting and that seems to work (the head of my character looks weird too, same as yours). But then when I assign the animation sequence to my character inside Sequencer it doesn’t work. I can see a tiny little movement in the bones of the chest of my character, but that’s it. Do you know what the issue could be? Thank you!


Hello! I’m glad you liked the project :slight_smile:
Feel free to send me your UE project + FBX file, so I can take a look at that.

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Bonjour Anderson, j’ai eu un problème avec les rigs AI Mocap dans Unreal comme ce lui de (Mauricio_N.Santos) avec les os quib ont des rotations étranges. Je ne sait plus si ca vient des plates-formes de Wonder Studio ou d’un vers unreal engine, parce que meme si mon acteur dans le projet Wonder Dynamics n’est plus sur Dummy Robot mais avec THE PROFESSEUR, cela ne fonctionne pas bien. est ce vous pourriez m’aider s’il vous plait?

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Yes, I think Wonder Studio might be changed something. As I don’t have a subscription for their services I’m not able to continue helping on this, I’m sorry.
I suggest you contact Wonder Studio team and maybe send this forum topic, so they can take a look and help you. Or, you could ask if they already have some retarget rig for Metahumans :slight_smile:

Hope it helps,

Hello @ducker!

I saw the plugin in Artstation.

I haven’t tried it myself since I work with iClone8, but maybe it will help you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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