[FREE PROJECT] Lightshow

Hi, awesome lights! I am trying to use them for my project, but I can’t figure out how to see them inside the sequencer?

I pressed E in the level blueprint and selected autoplay in light show sequence details. But still no view outside of simulating.

bandicam 2020 08 09 16 29 38 537 - YouTube](bandicam 2020 08 09 16 29 38 537 - YouTube)

Hi ** thanks for your kindness sharing the project, I 'm having the same problem as Ashley Pink Art mentioned, could you show us how to make the light work in the sequencer
(I can see the lights object are moving but no color beams)

How to make this effect

[USER=“3719051”]Ashley Pink Art[/USER] @miomio69 sorry about the late response. Unfortunately i havent implemented any live update for sequencer. It may be doable with sequencer alone but i’m not very experienced with it, and it should be possible with a custom in editor tool for which i havent had the time. If you want to give it a shot there is a really helpful stream about it here:


@**舞台人生](https://forums.unrealengine.com/member/3374658-舞台人生) **I cant explain how to make it step by step but you can start by experimenting with using a beam emitter for each ray of light and then setting their target locations accordingly. I’ll add this to my todo list though to add to the main project.

Hey. I’m sorry to trouble you!
I’m your fan. After looking at your work, I began to study UE4. I am learning DMX plugin UE4. I took a look at your super cool project and I can’t understand a lot of things … But these are my problems))) Please tell me how I can put a gobo or a prism on your Beam. Where to drip?
And if I put a standard Blueprint MovingHead Fixtures on your Beam, will I be able to control ArnNet or sACN protocols with it?

How do I change the colors of the light along with the intensity?

Sorry, please … I took your project and tried to transfer MovingHead to my project. I want to figure it out and can borrow something from your wonderful project. But there is a problem … Beam disappeared somewhere. I checked all the settings in parallel with your project … What did I do wrong?

Hi, I’m not sure if this applies to your issue, but do you have Exponential Height Fog with Volumetric Fog enabled within?

Hi, I’m not sure if this applies to your issue, but do you have Exponential Height Fog with Volumetric Fog enabled within?


Hi . Exponential Height Fog with Volumetric Fog enabled. I set all settings as in the Author’s project … DMX Fixtures give BEAM glow. But thanks for the advice !!!

@ Thanks for getting back to me. Ok, that’s good to know. I am slightly confused now though, when you animated them, how did you get the timing right without being able to see what you were doing? I have tried simulating at the same time as the sequencer runs and keying with the music but it’s not ideal. WIP

@ @miomio69

I figured out how to make it so that the light is active in the sequencer.

Open the bp_spotlight_master.
select class settings
enable construction script in the sequencer

Hope it helps

Thanks, !

I have updated the project to 4.25, which solves all of the migration issues.

First fix, which also occurs in 4.24 migrations, is my fault actually. I forgot to mention that distance fields needed to be enabled for the project, because there is a piece of code in the material making use of DFAO. This is how the fixed version looks like:

This is what you need to do if you want to fix this problem for your 4.24 projects as well If you DON’T want to use DFAO.

Another fix is for deprecated Niagara modules. Emitter is renewed and system warnings are fixed. Also i noticed that Beam Twist parameter, which lets us adjust the cone angle, isnt normalized to 0-1 anymore, its 0 - 3.14 now for some reason. So i’ve set the correct angle values for the emitters.

Here’s the download link for v4.25: LightShow424 4.25.rar - Google Drive

[USER=“3719051”]Ashley Pink Art[/USER] Very nice!! Thanks a lot for sharing that information. I’ve enabled it in Spotlight BP now with the updated project.

@Rubin161 You can use gobo and such by enabling Use Light Function in the spotlight BP actor you place in the level, then change the Texture inside Light Func Material. This does not affect the shape of the light beam, btw.
I could turn it into a parameter but i’ve already uploaded the project and my internet sucks bad today, so, next time!
Regarding ArtNet or sACN protocols; unfortunately i have no idea what those are. :\ I used to make such light animations for an event company some years ago and thats it. Hopefully someone else can help you out, this project seems to attract quite a bit of attention.

thanks and Ashley
you are amazing people~

Thanks ! this has come in really handy for what i’m working on atm.

Hey @

I tried DMing but allegedy your quota has run out.

Loving your work in your lightshow project.

I am looking at using UE4 for an upcoming project and as such am trying to build assets for it. Your light and beam profile is so much better than the library fixture and so I’m really keen to use it.

I’ve been experiementing trying to swap out your meshes for a model of a MAC Viper that I have in, addition to trying to add DMX functionality.

I’ve been looking at the BP contruction of the stock library DMX fixture and how I could combine that with your fixture. However, due to being a novice, I’m starting to get a little stuck now.

Would this be something you would be interested in creating for me and if so, please let me know how much you would charge?

Hey @CheekiSkrub ,

What you need to do is pretty easy actually. You just split the model into 3 parts and set their rotation and X directions like so:

Make sure they are at 0, 0, 0 location before you export, give a second material to the spot head for emissive part, and thats about it. If you are not able to make it i can make it for you on the condition that we add the model to the project so that everyone can use it if they want to(No charge.)

I am having difficulty changing the color and the radius all together in the sequencer? I have been able to get the spot color and the emissive color to change, but not the volumetric beam color.

@th3thrilld3m0n You can enable Expose to Cinematics in Light Color variable and set the color in sequencer to any color you like. It will also change the color of the light cone. It is not a volumetric effect, by the way.

Really appreciate @ for creating such wonderful project. Does anyone has chance to upgrade the project to 4.26.1? I’m seeing below error

Are you angel ? Thank you !!
If you not busy… really not busy, Can you share 4.27 verson Lightshow project…
You could share it then I will be happy from you