**Hi, I’m Patrick “Ruelle” Finnegan
I decided to release this small project I made for last Christmas, put together in a little over 2 months.
As a first attempt at making a “Full” game in Unreal I’m happy with the way it turned out and plays, however I did take a lot of shortcuts while learning blueprint communication and ways to get my ideas together.
(A LOT of tick events and binds used)
Because of this, the game may have issues such as eye glow particles spazing out or as I found on an old cheap laptop, the grid not generating at all.
I havent touched the game since Christmas up until today to delete some extra files I never used (may have still missed some though).
Please feel free to try the game yourself, look through my (messy) project files, and use them however you wish, free and open for anyone to use.
**Download the game here:
64b - Dropbox
32b - Dropbox
Project File - Dropbox
Here are two screenshots of the two halves of the project, the game is 100% Left Mouse Click controlled.
This is a shot of the Grid map, similar to minesweeper you move a little figure around and reveal the ground. Red markers are encounters, landing on one starts combat, if it wasnt revealed before landing on it, your party also
takes damage before the fight starts. Chests give score and the cave moves you to the next floor, regenerating the board entirely. As you gain score, you unlock a couple bonuses to help ease travel and when you hit 2000
you essentially beat the game though you can continue playing with the final unlock.
This is a shot of Combat, kinda final fantasy like where meters build before you get to attack with each character. The enemies attack completely at random which can be annoying and I’d advise against doing completely random attacking
in your own projects after seeing the dumb stuff that can happen. Never attacking or all rapidly attacking while never encountering it while testing on my own, I saw it a lot while others tried the game out.
The bottom yellow bar is actually a revival bar to bring back dead party members. Originally intended for a big combo attack but I ended up learning a few “Blender” program quirks with animations and lost a couple animations
for Chad and Amber so I scrapped the combo attack idea and changed it to just bring back anyone who is dead in a big heal animation in the interest of time.
All assets in the project are created by myself excluding a Music track whipped together by a close friend for me on short notice! Though I can say everything within the project files is welcome to be used for your own projects, I’d suggest you contact me and I’ll forward you if you wish to use the Music track that was not created by myself.
3D Modeling and animations were done in “Blender” while 2D images were done in “GIMP”. Sound assets were created using simple distortion in Audacity and dumb sounds recorded from myself and a friend.