Free plugin to turn root motion animation into in-place and generate curve tracks

I have no idea if anyone here would find it useful or not, but for ages I’ve had an internal editor plugin for a bunch of my most-used tools that I’ve written. And as I’ve now had three different friends ask me for a copy of it solely to get the animation metadata generator tool portion of it, I finally decided to just take that animation metadata portion and split it out into a slimmed-down plugin in a public github repo under the MIT license for anyone who wants it.

Basically it provides a whole set of various operations you can perform on the root bone (or any other bone of the reference skeleton you provide) to generate curve tracks. But it works reasonably fast, it works in the background (rather than locking up the editor while it runs), and it can preserve directory structures in the output directory.

And since it might be useful to someone—either as it stands or a base to build something else off of—I am posting it here so that it’s, y’know, at least moderately discoverable.

So, if you are that someone… cheers, enjoy, use as you see fit.

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