[FREE] Modular Features Extra Actions plugin: Modular GAS, Enhanced Input and more

:white_check_mark: Working with the current UE5.1 Preview ver.

Branch: lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions at development (github.com)

Modular Features Extra Actions v1.1.12

Release: Modular Features - Extra Actions v1.1.12 (github.com)
Marketplace: Waiting for Approval

What’s Changed

  • Add support to UE5.1
  • Remove warnings (UE5.1)
  • Remove const from ability input binding removal

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.1.11...v1.1.12 · lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions · GitHub

After a while without relevant updates, some new features are coming! : )

I’m adding new options to manage ability bindings and also created a new settings page.

I’ll start soon to implement a way to automatically bind the ability inputs without the need to create functions to setup/remove.

Some implementations have open progress on branches:

  1. Project Elementus: v0.6.2a (github.com)
  2. Plugin Repository: v1.2.0 (github.com)


Created a pre-release on GitHub to allow testing the next update before it launches: Modular Features - Extra Actions v1.2.0-pre2 (github.com)

What’s Changed

Pull Request: v1.2.0 by @lucoiso in v1.2.0 by lucoiso · Pull Request #17 · lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions · GitHub

  • New settings page
  • Fix issue: Bindings not working on pawns
  • Move shared options to plugin settings
  • Add new option: Override binding owner
  • Add new ability binding options
  • […]


Note: I’ll update the documentation soon

Modular Features Extra Actions v1.2.0

Release: lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions
Marketplace: Modular Features - Extra Actions


  • New settings page
  • Fix issue: Bindings not working on pawns
  • Move shared options to plugin settings
  • Add new option: Override binding owner
  • Add new ability binding options
  • […]

New Settings Page

Updated Example Project

Repository: lucoiso/MFA_ExampleProject

Project Elementus Updated

Repository: lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus

Modular Features Extra Actions v1.2.1

Release: Modular Features - Extra Actions v1.2.1
Marketplace: UE Marketplace

Pull request: v1.2.1 by @lucoiso in v1.2.1 by lucoiso · Pull Request #19 · lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions · GitHub

What’s Changed

  • Adjust folders and rename interface

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.2.0...v1.2.1 · lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions · GitHub

Additional information

:white_check_mark: Working with both UE5.0 and UE5.1


  1. IAbilityInputBinding → IMFEA_AbilityInputBinding
  2. include: AbilityInputBinding.h → MFEA_AbilityInputBinding.h

For BPs: Added a CoreRedirect to AbilityInputBinding class:

+ClassRedirects=(OldName="/Script/ModularFeatures_ExtraActions.AbilityInputBinding", NewName="/Script/ModularFeatures_ExtraActions.MFEA_AbilityInputBinding")
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If you’re already using UE5.1, don’t have Visual Studio installed (to compile the plugin code) and don’t want to wait for the Marketplace approval:

Packaged plugin for UE5.1 (Win64): ModularFeatures_ExtraActions_UE51_PACKAGED.zip (github.com)

You can extract this .zip inside your project’s Plugins folder.

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Modular Features - Extra Actions v1.2.2


  • Set config category to Plugins
  • Optimize includes


  • Move your settings to DefaultPlugins.ini file

Full Changelog: Comparing v1.2.1...v1.2.2 · lucoiso/UEModularFeatures_ExtraActions · GitHub

As someone very new to C++, I am wondering the proper method of getting your multiplayer example into my current project. Or would it be easier to rename the project somehow? Also in your options menu I noticed temporal upscaling is greyed out. I need to change this because the current DLSS doesn’t need it and I wish to turn it off.

Soo many messy things or maybe it is just me or my installation.
I have tried serveral ways to get it to work with no luck. UE5.03 / UE5.1. Manual installation of plugin. Automatic Plugin installation through Epic Launcher etc etc.

  1. The uasset files in the two examples projects is not unreal assets.
  2. Cannot open include file: ‘AbilityInputBinding.h’
  3. Two headers with the same name is not allowed. GameFeatureAction_WorldActionBase.h

Anyway, keep up the good work. It looks very promising and I am looking forward to try your plugin.

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The Temporal Upscaling is greyed out because the default Anti-Aliasing is set to MSAA, if you’ll need to change it to TemporalAA or TSR.

To use the example into a project that is already being developed will need some extra work:

  • You can copy the C++ files into your project and rename the PROJECTELEMENTUS_API to the same of your project
  • To use the assets/blueprints you’ll need to add CoreRedirects to all classes
  • You’ll need the plugins too

The Project Elementus is being used as a example, but is intended to be used as a template to start a new project.

If you want to create a new project using it as a base you can both rename the files/classes or change the project description in Edit->Project Settings : )

Hello! : )

About the first issue:

Maybe it’s a download issue. GitHub isn’t so friendly with unreal projects yet. : S

This button doesn’t work in this context, this will download all assets as “corrupted” files with only 1kb size and the project will not work:

The same will occur if you’re cloning the repository without Git LFS installed.

  • If you’re cloning the repository, ensure that you have Git LFS installed and call this command inside the project’s folder after the clone:
    git submodule update --init --recursive

  • If you’re downloading the .zip, use this link: Releases · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus (github.com)

Second Issue

The AbilityInputBinding.h was moved/changed/renamed to MFEA_AbilityInputBinding.h

Third Issue

That’s strange, there’s only one header with this name :eyes:
And here’s the guy: GameFeatureAction_WorldActionBase.h

Can you try again downloading a .zip file from this link: Modular Features Extra Actions - Releases?

If the problem still persists, let me know!

Edit 1:
The problem could be related to Git LFS as well, I noticed it was out of bandwidth which affects the repository usage because it disables LFS.

I bought 1 more data pack on GitHub to solve this.

Hi @lucoiso! First of all, thank you for providing this resource for the community.

Second, a question: when adding an input mapping, where is it intended to add the actual key bind? I would assume outside of the Input Mapping Context but I cannot see where?

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If I understood the question correctly, the binding of the keys will still be done in the input mapping. the plugin will use the input actions and names of UFUNCTIONs + trigger event type to bind

If the question isn’t about what I answered, feel free to get in touch! : )

Thanks for the quick response.

Perhaps it’s my ignorance of how input mapping works (I’m fairly new to UE dev) but if you still have to add the mapping manually to the IMC, what does the plugin do? Is there some documentation on the intended workflow for adding an input mapping with the plugin that might shed some light for a newbie like me? :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry for the delay! @jorbascrumps

The intention of this plugin is to gather and facilitate the binding of abilities/effects/attributes from the plugin Gameplay Ability System, already integrating them with the new Enhanced Input with some binding possibilities (using Tags, InputID, Ability Classes, etc).

In the example projects this binding is demonstrated in the Player Controller where it is registered as a receiver of Modular Features and Abilities and Inputs can be enabled/added or disabled/removed just by changing the state of the Modular Feature, and this applies to all the map receivers, working in both singleplayer and multiplayer mode! : )

The same occurs with the Gameplay Effects and Attributes! In the Project Elementus, all attributes and basic effects are added by this plugin and you can add/remove all by just enabling/disabling the modular plugin, hehehehe.


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Planning for upcoming updates

For this plugin, I’m currently focusing in 2 items:

  1. Modular Features Extra Actions
    1.1. Check the viability and implement a new editor tools to view and manage the existing Modular Features
    1.2. Return to the development of the auto-bind abilities option

And I also made a post on Project Elementus, the project where this plugin was born, about future updates! Link to the post

Planning for upcoming updates

To facilitate the use of this project’s content in other projects already under development, I will check the possibility of transforming this project into a plugin.

I have created a new issue and will resume the work on this project with this idea. : )

Issue: Issue #46 · lucoiso/UEProject_Elementus (github.com)
Project Board: Project Elementus - Project Board (github.com)

I’m also currently focusing in some updates to the plugins:

  1. Modular Features Extra Actions
    1.1. Check the viability and implement a new editor tools to view and manage the existing Modular Features
    1.2. Return to the development of the auto-bind abilities option
  2. Elementus Inventory
    2.1. Add an option to enable empty slots in the inventory container
    2.2. I’m finally working on the Documentation! xD

After these changes, I’ll finally start creating the documentation using the new Plugin “body”, explaining how to use the content of Project Elementus in a new project or an existing one.

And of course, during the development, I will make some optimizations and fixes that are found along the way, such as:

  2. Adjust and clear the logs (Add new categories to improve the filtering)
  3. Adjust and clear the checks/ensures
  4. Add more developer settings
  5. Add custom async loading screens (currently using the Test Widget from Unreal’s API)
  6. Fix EOS Function: Cancel Find Sessions (currently crashing)
  7. […]

In the meantime, maybe implement new features too! : )

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Modular Features: Extra Actions v1.2.3


Hi @lucoiso ! Did you ever get to implementing auto-bind?