Free Look Camera UE5 [pls help]

Hello developers!

I have created FPS controller and have a camera (FreeLook, about as in Arma 3 you can press the button and look around while the character goes forward or backward) but there is one BUT. It is important that after pressing the key character went to the side in which I have pressed the key looked. For clarity, I will add video and code. What to do in what direction to give please.

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Hey there @TooHighAim, welcome back to the forums! So for a bit more clarity, are you attempting to have the player camera “Lean” like how arma does if you press Q or E? And if so are you going to need the player character to do the animation, or will it just be a simple local offset?

Edit: Since it seems like you already have the free look done**

you mean something like done in pubg, you hold alt and look in any direction without effecting the character rotation?