[FREE] Logitech Wheel Plugin

The example project I linked shows you how to setup the basics of the plugin.

I haven’t done it myself, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

Sorry for the late response. Apparently my email notifications were disabled. I don’t have any experience with Unreal on Mac, so unfortunately I’m unable to help you.

@drb1992 hey man nice plugin. i got a small issue. my steering wheel is off a bit. going strait has my steering wheel to the left. anyway i can get the source so i can adjust that myself?

plugin does not compile for 4.20. says an error
Error CS1729 ‘UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules’ does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments MyProject2 e:\WLS_HELIX\MyProject2\Plugins\LogitechWheelPlugin\Source\LogitechWheelPlugin\LogitechWheelPlugin.Build.cs

ill donate some $$$ to you if you can fix this plugin for 4.20…

// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.IO;

public class LogitechWheelPlugin : ModuleRules
    public LogitechWheelPlugin(TargetInfo Target)

            new string] {
                // ... add public include paths required here ...

            new string] {
                // ... add other private include paths required here ...

            new string]

                // ... add other public dependencies that you statically link with here ...

            new string]
                // ... add private dependencies that you statically link with here ...    

            new string]
                // ... add any modules that your module loads dynamically here ...

        string BaseDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "..", ".."));
        string LogitechDirectory = Path.Combine(BaseDirectory, "Logitech", "lib", Target.Platform.ToString());
        string] LibraryNames = { "LogitechSteeringWheelLib" };

        foreach (string LibraryName in LibraryNames)
            PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(LibraryName + ".lib");

Change this line to:

public LogitechWheelPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)

Can I have some $$$ now :smiley:

There’s a few more required changes due to UE moving away from monolithic headers. I’ve made a pull request (Update to UE 4.21 by umbah · Pull Request #1 · drb1992/LogitechWheelPlugin · GitHub) with those on the original repo, that should take care of it (I’ve tested it on 4.21, but it should work just fine for 4.20)

For me compiling fails on 4.21. I’ve used your patch

Can you post the error message?

My local branch had some extra changes for some stuff I’m fiddling around with, but after double checking it I’m pretty sure that I’ve pushed all the required changes for it to compile

Also, are you compiling using the runuat batch file or putting it on the plugins dir? I’ve used the former, though I’m not sure whether that should make any difference.

Hi everyone,

I’ve tried to use the plugin with my G27 and everything seems to work fine but :

  • GetStatesENGINE() returns only Wheel rotation, throttle and brakes are on the same axis
  • SetOperatingRange has no effet (and still returns true)
  • GenerateNonLinearValues has no effect (also returns true)
  • LogiSetPreferredControllerProperties always returns false (and it’s needed to separate pedals)
  • Same for GetCurrentProperties (is there a change in LogiControllerPropertiesData ?)
  • LogiPlayLeds always returns false
  • And the most important : I can’t access clutch and shifter current position

Did anyone had the same problem ?

Best regards,


Are you using the official plugin from Logitech instead of the one on this thread? If yes, I can’t help you with that. If not, I can try and check whether these are all working the next time I can use a G27 (which should be next weekend, I think).

From memory, I do believe that the functions that wrap the calls to the LED and the Controller properties were working (I’m not entirely sure what you mean by separating pedals, though), but I can’t guarantee that with 100% of certainty before testing it again.

Hey guys ! Thanks for the amazing plugin ! It work perfectly for the 4.21 :slight_smile: We had a G27, but a problem occured, and it does not have steering now, so I had to switch to my old Formula Force EX. I see in the supported device that the Formula Force is supported. Is it the same wheel ? Because mine does not work with the plugin… If it’s a different wheel, is it hard to add this wheel to the plugin ? Because for now it’s configured with RawInput, but let’s sya things the way they are, RwInput is sh*t. I can’t even play FFB on my wheel !
So yeah, two question, is Formula Force EX the same as Formula Force, and if yes why is it not working ? And is it’s not, is it hard to add it to the plugin ?
thanks for the amazing plugin and work, and hope someone can help me !

Thanks for your sharing~!
Now I can use G29 in unreal4.18, but I have no idea how to use Logitech Force Shifter. In your plugin, I can only find a blueprint node which name “Get Wheel Shifter Mode”. However this can tell me the status of Shifter, but I can not find any value of Shifter.
Help please, happy summer everyone~

Someone updated the plugin to work with UE4.21, so I assume it will also work with 4.22. I committed these changes to the master branch on github.

I haven’t packaged a game with the plugin to verify if this fix works, but try adding the following code to line 10 in LogitechWheelPlugin.Build.cs

PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

@ALEXSEEBEN Can you upload the complied plugin to GDrive or Dropbox, please?

I would like to get this plugin working on 4.24. Can anyone guide me on how to do this? Or better yet provide me with a new version? I don’t know how to code or build from source, which is what it suggests when I try to load the 4.23 version by @ALEXSEEBEN

Hey guys.
Just to let you know that the plugin seems to successfully run on 4.24.

1- Download plugin from Github ( GitHub - drb1992/LogitechWheelPlugin: A plugin for UE4 that allows you to use a number of Logitech steering wheels and joysticks as an input device. )
2- Create a Blank C++ Game Project with UE4.24, then close it
3- Add a Plugins directory inside your project directory (same level as Content)
4- Copy LogitechWheelPlugin into the newly created Plugins directory.
5- Re-open your project directory. It will compile the LogitechWheelPlugin automatically. No error generated on my PC.
6- Enjoy ! (don’t forget to call “Shutdown Wheel” and “Initialize Wheel” nodes on Begin Play)
7- File -> Refresh Visual Studio Project if you want to see the LogitechWheelPlugin files in your Solution.

The example project do not compile straight after being downloaded, but when you have recompiled the LogitechWheelPlugin after Step 5 above, you can copy and paste it into the Example project. It will then run, but when tested, controls seem a bit off (steering right accelerates, steering left accelerates in reverse mode, etc.).

I have tested the Plugin on UE 4.25.4 and it works well after re-building it for this version. To re-build it you need all the Windows SDKs and such in Visual Studio Code so it took a while to get that working.

I am trying to make a game for Android though, and I don’t seem to be able to package the plugin for Android. Anyone have any clues on how to do that? Thanks!

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I am currently working on a racing project that will pay out crypto currency as a form of reward for drivers. My issue is getting a stable logitech steering wheel and other controllers into my game. If you have a stable version in one of the latest updates I would be willing to compensate you for your assistance.