Free Inventory System - Backend

Is this networked or singleplayer only?

I don’t understand how to use it.
What do i put in the characterblueprint behind
key a -> to make it do something?

meh… why am i asking… as if i’ll get a reply :=P

@killer… No.

This is nothing graphical its just a backend like a framework… However there is a little demo on how to use it with umg for example

The link doesnt work.

hi there. Like KrunkFu said, the link doesn’t work =(. But github is still awesome =)

Thanks for this !
I’ve got a question though:
What variables do I have to set in the character to make him have an inventory?
I’m using the C++ version.
When I wan’t to “AddToInventory” to his “class UInventory *Inventory” I also don’t quite get what the second parameter “TArray<FInventoryStructure> inInventory” is for?
All of this is quite new to me, I hope you understand.

Maybe if you could reupload the blueprint version I could check it out and work from there.

Every help is welcome!
Thanks in advance!

will fix the link later this day, thanks for pointing that out

the TArray Param wich is defined like so

TArray<FInventoryStructure>& inInventory

is taking in a REFERENCE to a Inventory Structure so basically the Array Variable that should be modified (should be added items to) as you see all those a restatic functions that should just modify present arrays not manage an inventory in the object itself :slight_smile:

you can see this whole thing as a BlueprintFunctionLibrary not an Actor

Edit: Link Fixed

I pretty much got the C++ version to work (basic functionality at least) and I gotta say it again, it’s awesome!

One question though: You said it’s network ready. Does this mean I can easily replicate the Inventory to the client and add/remove items by asking the server to do that?
I tried that with my old UMG inventory and it ****ed everything up because the Widget runs only on the client.
Maybe my update function was trash, I dunno :slight_smile:

Just asking if you tried/did that when you say it’s network ready!

And again, big thanks for this!

Edit: Forget my question. What I proposed seems to work perfectly! I don’t have much on my paypal but I’ll gladly support you!

you basically set the actor to be replicated and execute all the add to inventory etc stuff on the Server. You could make the inventory array a RepNotify so you can update your hud

Does the SwapInventoryPosition work with empty slots? I’m trying to implement drag & drop events for switching positions in the array.

Do you know of a way to get the inventory slot (empty ones too) I’m currently hovering over?
Last Active Item widget only works with slots I already have an item in.

Thanks for your help mate!

iam using a fixed size array for that every item that is not a real item has the item base class so you can easylie use swap

Edit: I’ve a workaround for the problem I had with dragging and dropping. I’ll post my Drag’n’Drop solution when I have one here :slight_smile:

Might be a stupid question, but why do your methods in inventory take an array of inventorystructure structs since each player surely only has one right?
This is obviously aimed at the c++ version.

As a beginner for UE4 glad i found this! Nice work!

Hello i am having a bit of problem with the inventory system. when i downloaded it and extracted it to the content. i then opened rIinventory in the UE4 and i get many errors from the widget blueprints… How can i fix it?

I know it’s an old topic but thanks for this. Wish I came across this earlier. One thing I would like to know is how to make the inventory work with touch events, it’s aimed at mouse/cursor responses now seeing the custom override functions for the mouse. Is it possible to do the same for touch/click events?

**EDIT: **got it working and changed a lot of stuff around to suite my needs. Next thing is to get it all replicated and working in Multiplayer.

Sorry for necro.
Could you please reupload it? link is down.

Hey, and sorry for the delay, had some hell of a year. Anyway the links are fixed. Not sure if it still works in 4.15 - at least it should

when I migrate it to my project it will not show up what might be wrong?


I am sorry for asking such a stupid question, but is there a simple guide, to setting this up, or a youtube guide for this specific system? I’m just starting to make a game and I want to use this so bad… I will be so happy for all the help!
