[FREE]Game Jolt API Plugin - A simple plugin that integrates Game Jolt Game API with Unreal Engine 4


I want to share with you a plugin that I’ve developed for a personal project. It allows to easily use Game Jolt’s Game API in your Unreal Engine’s projects. It might especially come in handy as there is a game jam organised by Game Jolt coming soon that requires their scoreboard API integration. It was all written in one day so don’t expect a code masterpiece, but I will work on that a bit more to clean up the code etc. :smiley: There is also no documentation yet (I will create it in the next few days), but there is a sample project that utilises almost every function from the plugin.

The plugin can be used for free for non-commercial and commercial projects.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Ogniok/UE4GameJoltAPI

If you have any questions about the plugin, not sure how to use something and would like to see another feature added to it post here or send me a private message. :slight_smile:

Feedback is greatly appreciated. :smiley:

Thank you!

I had a quick question on the demo project for the scoreboard.

The level ‘Entry’ seems to be missing. Is that in an external download at all? I cannot seem to get the included project to work.

Any help you can provide would be great!

I haven’t included any map in the example project. But I’ve added one now, so try it and tell me if it works for you. :smiley:

I know this is pretty well unsupported, but thought I should at least submit an issue on Github and let people know here that it does not work.