[FREE] Foliage Starter Kit

Hello, I tried on my own project. When I click Play, it looks like .
I do look really blurry, have I done something wrong?
I did open content map and I did move everything to there, then I used foliage for the grass.

I’m really new to UnrealEngine, I started yesterday.

I am very very new to UE4, just a quick question please, ow do you make the grass so close together and so tall, mine are so spread out it look a bit silly.

Hey Dude! Thank you for these amazing items! You are the man. Quick question… What if I cant download 4.7 to update the projects to 4.10? Im also having issues with the mats. Whenever I move an object into the view, it turns into the world base tile. Any idea how to fix that?

Wow thank you :slight_smile:

Many thanks for , kind stranger!

There is TAA to blame for sure butalso your 3D view port size affects it as well.
Might also be a texture streaming. Use console command to force no mip mapping and you can see if that’s the case. r.MipMapLODBias 0


Does it work with 4.11?

The engine crashes everytime I try to open it…

Normally it should work with 4.11 -> will test it when I’m back home :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, Waiting for your answer. Tried different things, crashes everytime… :confused:

I Have Problems with the Pack on 4.11 too.
I Importet the Content folder into my Projekt and i become Empty folders without ussaset´s.

Good job ! Thank you !

Well , is because you are playing a minimalized version of your final game, you need to package your game ie. create it as an executable(.exe) to view it in full resolution…

You have to set the density (which is 0.5 by default) to somewhat around 0.9

I keep you updated, it works like a charm with 4.11.2 ! :wink:

Thanks a lot.

models are awesome! Thanks!

Thank you!

Works in 4.11.2. Very nice of you to share these.

Works in 4.12.2 as well, thank you!

Thank you very much for ! So usefull, and it works great, in 4.12.3 too :slight_smile:

Sorry for double, I’m testing paradise in my project in Paris, but as I’m new in UE4, can someone help me on how to change the wind force for the grass ? because in the first post it says to look into the material child folder, found it, but where can i modify setting next ?
Thanks !