Free Environment: OLD Library

Wow, that’s fantastic that you would share this!


			"Name": "Substance",
			"Enabled": true,
			"MarketplaceURL": "com.epicgames.launcher://ue/marketplace/offers/2f6439c2f9584f49809d9b13b16c2ba4"

including the comma that precedes it, from the .uproject file and it should be virgin one again. :slight_smile:

This looks pretty nice, good work. =)

Great Nice scene :slight_smile:
And many Thanks for your generosity…

What is the easiest way to migrate some books to my project…!!?
I’m asking because my knowledge about blueprints is so poor, and you had used 2 book meshes to create 946 books by hand in your level…!! :rolleyes:

That’s exactly what I searched for UE4! Thanks a lot!

Wow i just downloaded two thumbs up.

how do you import this model? UE4 can’t support .7z files. :confused:

You are literally the best person!!! Thank you so much!!!

I really like this scene! Thanks for the share.

Thanks you so much, this is amazing. The ammount of love this project received is huge, and the results show that the craftmanship was there too. Again, thanks you so much for your work.

OMG its looks wonderful, really thanks, I already want to try it!
Look awesome!!, Thanks

This is awesome dude…this is exactly what I wanted…thank a ton !!
Downloading this now

can I add C++ components to this? I mean pick a book and stuff like that?

Thanks for the share. Sooooooo gooood

Very cool man.

You Sir, are an artist and a generous person!!:slight_smile: I will be using this in my new prototype and will give you credit for sure!

Awesome work, and thanks for making it free :slight_smile:

Put some screen space reflections on that wood floor! It will look great :slight_smile:

I found reader behind Old_Library - Unreal Editor (429 kb) закачан 13 апреля 2017 г. Joxi

Thanks, Your awesome :slight_smile: