[FREE] Crashlytics - automatic crash reporting solution

What do i do with the nodes?

Crashlytics 1.5.0 Preview for UE 4.18 Preview 3!

I’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.18 Preview 3.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab: GitHub - gameDNAstudio/Crashlytics: A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that lets you integrate automatic cra

If you find any bug, feel free to report it :slight_smile:

Crashlytics 1.5.0 for Unreal Engine 4.18 released!


  • Tweaks for UE 4.18 compatibility

Available for FREE on GitHub: GitHub - gameDNAstudio/Crashlytics: A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that lets you integrate automatic cra

Unable to get things going with UE4 + Crashlytics

I have (probably) successfully installed the plugin to UE4. Then I have generated the “api key” and “build secret” sequences / keys. After that point I’m stuck. It seems that Firebase recognizes the application, but then “We are looking for your app to confirm that it’s activated” seems to run forever. I have built the app and uploaded it to iTunes Connect / Test Flight + I have started the game and “generated” several crashes.

Where have can I find the application (from fabric.io) in order to upload code symbols?

How did you generate the api key? i am stuck on fabric’s dashboard

Hello guys,

Google acquired Crashlytics and included it to Firebase so we also will include Crashlytics into our Ultimate Mobile Kit Firebase plugin (Ultimate Mobile Kit for iOS & Android - Firebase - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums). Old Crashlytics implementation is now deprecated and probably doesn’t work. You should expect updated version of Ultimate Mobile Kit with included Crashlytics in the beginning of February.

Crashlytics 1.6.0 Preview for UE 4.19 Preview 3!

We’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.19 Preview 3. This is the last version of this plugin.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab.

Available for FREE on: GitHub.


****As Google acquired Fabric and moved Crashlytics into Firebase, we are forced to move also this plugin functionality to our Ultimate Mobile Kit Firebase plugin. Migration is very easy and you won’t loose any data. If you have any questions about migration, feel free to ask us at support [at] gamednastudio.com. Thank you for your understading.