Hi, I’m giving away UEtoRigify templates for Metahumans and UE5’s Echo. I don’t care what you’re gonna use that for or if you’d credit me. It’s by the community for the community. Tested with blender 2.93 and UE to Rigify 1.58. Anything higher than that is unsupported currently. I saw on the github pages, there’s upcoming update for blender 3.1 and UE5 compatibility, so I’ll be updating those when updates roll out and I’ve got time.
MetaHuman.zip (16.0 KB)
Echo.zip (15.2 KB)
There might be some errors here and there, cause frankly, it was hastily made.
Echo.zip (28.4 KB)
MetaHuman.zip (17.3 KB)
tested with Blender 3.0.0 and UEtoRigify 1.6.0
Remade the templates for use with Lyra’s Manny and Quinn. If you plan to edit Lyra’s animations, it’s best to set SKM_Quinn as preview mesh and export the anims, then use Quinn template. With Manny, I’ve found some weird scaling going on, probably from Retargetting.
Manny.zip (17.6 KB)
Quinn.zip (17.6 KB)
Hey thank you for this, I have a couple of other things I need to take care of first but I will definitely be grabbing your Metahuman template shortly and trying it out.
Appreciate you making this available!