[FREE] ArduinoKit - Cross Platform Arduino Plugin for UE4

You left the packed project running and after a few minutes you get this error? You are reading text every tick, right? I will try to replicate this error later… I`m a bit busy in a project deadline now =(


In the editor also happens this error

these are some lines that appear in the error

UE4Editor_ArduinoKit!TArray<FString,FDefaultAllocator>::Pop() [c:\program files (x86)\epic games\4.12\engine\source\runtime\core\public\containers\array.h:874]
UE4Editor_ArduinoKit!UArduinoKitBP::ReadText() [e:\my-game\plugins\arduinokit\source\arduinokit\private\arduinokitbp.cpp:89]
UE4Editor_ArduinoKit!UArduinoKitBP::execReadText() [e:\my-game\plugins\arduinokit\source\arduinokit\private\arduinokitbp.h:9]

I hope this serves as an indication of the Crash



It has managed to fix the UE4Duino or ArduinoKit plugin?

The problem is that UE4Duino can not be packaged …

I tried another plugin called ArduinoKit, developed by @danielvmacedo this plugin if you can package, but when running, after a few minutes resulting in a crash… This almost ready

Hopefully we will soon have a fully functional plugin, either ArduinoKit or UE4Duino

Any solution?


Can you send me a project that is crashing (arduino code and unreal project)? I cant reproduce it on my side =(

Hi everyone! Thanks for so amazing job in developing plugins! Does anyone have an experience of using this plugin with UE4.13? It seems like it doesn’t accept this one.

I am using Arduino Yun on my project. Is there any possibilities to connect my panel wireless?

What is the “port” meant in the Open fuction?

Can I connect my panel with port number?

Thank you in advance!

If anyone can get this running on 4.14 please post here. Thanks! I’ve tried manual rebuilding and it works for 4.13 but not for 4.14. Thanks!

edit: 14.1 update works now, justhave to rebuild dll

I’m seeing some memory overrun and crash issues though but they’ve been around since 4.12 :confused:

can u tell me please how did u include the plugin into your project ?

Hello Everyone, first, i have to say thank you for this really nice plugin !! I’m using it a little bit to have potentiometer in Unreal Engine 4.13 and it works just for the little project that i made, but now i’m developping a game with a big team and we are using Unreal Engine 4.15.1 And the plugin isn’t working for this version, i just want to know if there is an update coming for the new Unreal Engine version. There is now the Untreal Engine 4.15.2 right now. I just want to know if a someone is using the version 4.15 and has a solution to make this great plugin work on the new version.

Thanks for all the work on this plugin ! And i’ll be patient for an update :slight_smile:

Anyone got working this on Linux 4.20 ? It’s crashing for me on port open :frowning:

PS. Nevermind - I found solution. RS-232 needed some fixes for my workstation. Still having some random crashes but not sure yet if this is caused by plugin.

Any plans on updating this? I’m getting “The type UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules' does not contain a constructor that takes 0’ arguments” when trying to build for 4.24 on Mac.

Nevermind, after some tinkering with the plugin code I managed to get it working in 4.24 on Mac OS Catalina.

Any chance there’s an updated version of this plugin? I’m running 4.25 and it refuses to build for me. The error is telling me to rebuild manually, but that’s a little beyond my depth at this point. Any help would be appreciated!

I know this thread is 6 years old, but just stumbled upon it and can not find any other working arduino plugin for UE for MAC.

Do you mind explaining how you did that?

After some trial and error i managed to solve it. For everyone facing the same problem this is what worked for me:

Updating the code in the ArduinoKitPCH.h file to:

ArduinoKit 1.0.0
#include "Engine.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
#include "Internationalization/Internationalization.h"
#include "SlateCore.h"
#include <string>
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"

And updating the file ArduinoKit.build.cs to:

using UnrealBuildTool;
public class ArduinoKit : ModuleRules
  public ArduinoKit(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
    PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange(new] { "ArduinoKit/Private" });

I can not make it to work on 4.25.3 & Ubuntu 18.04, I followed figgNudle’s code:

:/opt/Unreal/UnrealEngine-4.25.3-release/Engine$ cat Plugins/Developer/ArduinoKit/Source/ArduinoKit/Private/ArduinoKitPCH.h
ArduinoKit 1.0.0
#include "Engine.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"
#include "Internationalization/Internationalization.h"
#include "SlateCore.h"
#include <string>
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"

:/opt/Unreal/UnrealEngine-4.25.3-release/Engine$ cat Plugins/Developer/ArduinoKit/Source/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.Build.cs
using UnrealBuildTool;
public class ArduinoKit : ModuleRules
public ArduinoKit(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange(new] { "ArduinoKit/Private" });

then I created a new project and enabled the plugin, when the engine restarts I get the following error:

Missing Modules
The following modules are missing or build with a different engine version:
Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime. Please build throug your IDE

How can I properly build it?

This is the error that I get when trying to build it:

$ ./RunUAT.sh BuildPlugin -Plugin=“/home/javier/Desktop/Marketplace/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.uplugin” -Package=“/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/”

Running AutomationTool…

Fixing inconsistent case in filenames.
Setting up Mono
xbuild Source/Programs/AutomationTool/AutomationTool.csproj /p:Configuration=Development /p:Platform=AnyCPU /verbosity:quiet /nologo /p:NoWarn=1591 /property:AutomationToolProjectOnly=true /p:TargetFrameworkProfile=
Start UAT: mono AutomationTool.exe BuildPlugin -Plugin=/home/javier/Desktop/Marketplace/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.uplugin -Package=/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/
Parsing command line: BuildPlugin -Plugin=/home/javier/Desktop/Marketplace/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.uplugin -Package=/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/ -compile
Dependencies are up to date (0.104s). Skipping compile.
Copying 14 file(s) using 64 thread(s)
Reading plugin from /home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/HostProject/Plugins/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.uplugin…
Building plugin for host platforms: Linux
Running: mono “/opt/Unreal/UnrealEngine-4.25.3-release/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe” UE4Editor Linux Development -Project=/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/HostProject/HostProject.uproject -plugin=/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/HostProject/Plugins/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.uplugin -iwyu -noubtmakefiles -manifest=/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/HostProject/Saved/Manifest-UE4Editor-Linux-Development.xml -nohotreload -log=“/home/javier/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/UBT-UE4Editor-Linux-Development.txt”
Using ‘git status’ to determine working set for adaptive non-unity build (/opt/Unreal/UnrealEngine-4.25.3-release).
While compiling /home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/HostProject/Intermediate/Build/BuildRules/HostProjectModuleRules.dll:
/home/javier/Desktop/ArduinoKit/HostProject/Plugins/ArduinoKit/Source/ArduinoKit/ArduinoKit.Build.cs(5,12) : error CS1729: The type UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules' does not contain a constructor that takes 0’ arguments
ERROR: Unable to compile source files.
Took 0.964295s to run mono, ExitCode=6
UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (/home/javier/Library/Logs/Unreal Engine/LocalBuildLogs/UBT-UE4Editor-Linux-Development.txt)
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)
RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.

I finally got it to build on Ubuntu 18.04 and Unreal Engine 4.25, I am attaching the patch with the necessary changes