[FREE] AMD FSR 1.0 for Unreal Engine 5 - (AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution)

Sorry for the long delay in responding. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I haven’t checked the actual code for compatibility with FSR 2 yet, so I don’t know how to help right now. :eyes:

Seems to crash the shader compiler in 5.2 P1

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Thanks! : )

I’ll check UE5.2 soon.

Support for Unreal Engine 5.2



Hi, thanks for your hard work on porting this plugin! I’m trying to compile it on the latest main and it seems like more changes were made that once again prevents the plugin from compiling. I’ve been trying to work through the errors but admittedly I am new to using the UE API and it’s very complex. Do you have any plans to continue support for this? Thanks! :smile:

Does it work in viewport ? So in case you have a heavy scene, it could help your workflow and add more fps.

Yes it does work in the viewport in real-time. It will prompt you to change an editor setting, however, when you try to set the console variable.

Has anyone had any luck getting this working in VR using OpenXR in UE5?

Any update for 5.3 yet lucoiso?

Just check git thanks for the fix.

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Have you managed to enable frame generation in viewport ?