hey i have started using your adcolony plugin today.
I wanted to ask that the sample video is being loaded in portrait orientation while my game is in landscape??
I looked at the ad orientation i think i solved the problem.
I will post the solution later in the day, i am not at my work pc right now.
As for the second problem, must be something with proguard and shipping builds, i will check it too later.
Add the following to your ProGuard configuration, at AdColony/Source/AdColony/AdColony_APL.xml, in the proguard additions:
# For communication with AdColony's WebView
-keepclassmembers class * {
@android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
# For removing warnings due to lack of Multi-Window support
-dontwarn android.app.Activity
Download the latest AdColony sdk:https://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-Android-SDK-3, copy the library jar file to plugins folder, Plugins\AdColony\lib\Android, name it adcolony-3.1.0.jar and then at AdColony_APL.xml file change this line:
i made a correction after my first post about proguard:
check this line: @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
# For communication with AdColony's WebView
-keepclassmembers class * {
@android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
# For removing warnings due to lack of Multi-Window support
-dontwarn android.app.Activity
Moreover i haven’t tested the plugins with 4.12, mainly with 4.13-4.14 versions.
But first check again the proguard additions with the correct format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--AdColony plugin additions-->
<root xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<!-- init section is always evaluated once per architecture -->
<trace enable="true"/>
<log text="AdColony init"/>
<addElements tag="application">
<activity android:name="com.adcolony.sdk.AdColonyInterstitialActivity"
<activity android:name="com.adcolony.sdk.AdColonyAdViewActivity"
<!-- Read App ID from plugin project settings and add to the manifest -->
<setStringFromProperty result="AppId" ini="Engine" section="/Script/AdColony.AdColonySettings" property="AppId" default=""/>
<setElement result="AppIdMetadata" value="meta-data"/>
<addAttribute tag="$AppIdMetadata" name="android:name" value="com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.AppId"/>
<addAttribute tag="$AppIdMetadata" name="android:value" value="$S(AppId)"/>
<addElement tag="application" name="AppIdMetadata"/>
<!-- Read App ID from plugin project settings and add to the manifest -->
<setStringFromProperty result="ZoneId" ini="Engine" section="/Script/AdColony.AdColonySettings" property="ZoneId" default=""/>
<setElement result="ZoneIdMetadata" value="meta-data"/>
<addAttribute tag="$ZoneIdMetadata" name="android:name" value="com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.ZoneId"/>
<addAttribute tag="$ZoneIdMetadata" name="android:value" value="$S(ZoneId)"/>
<addElement tag="application" name="ZoneIdMetadata"/>
<!-- optional additions to proguard -->
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
public *;
-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webviewclient {
public *;
# For communication with AdColony's WebView
-keepclassmembers class * {
@android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
# For removing warnings due to lack of Multi-Window support
-dontwarn android.app.Activity
<!-- optional files or directories to copy to Intermediate/Android/APK -->
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android/adcolony-3.0.4.jar" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/adcolony-3.0.4.jar" />
<isArch arch="armeabi-v7a">
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android//armeabi-v7a/libImmEndpointWarpJ.so" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/armeabi-v7a/libImmEndpointWarpJ.so" />
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android//armeabi-v7a/libadcolony.so" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/armeabi-v7a/libadcolony.so" />
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android//armeabi-v7a/libjs.so" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/armeabi-v7a/libjs.so" />
<!-- <isArch arch="armeabi-v7a">
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android//armeabi-v7a/libadcolony.so" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/armeabi-v7a/libadcolony.so" />
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android//armeabi-v7a/libjs.so" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/armeabi-v7a/libjs.so" />
<copyFile src="$S(EngineDir)/Source/ThirdParty/Oculus/LibOVRMobile/LibOVRMobile_062/VrApi/Libs/Android/armeabi-v7a/libvrapi.so"
dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/armeabi-v7a/libvrapi.so" />
<copyFile src="$S(EngineDir)/Source/ThirdParty/Oculus/LibOVRMobile/LibOVRMobile_062/VrApi/Libs/Android/VrApi.jar"
dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/VrApi.jar" />
<copyFile src="$S(EngineDir)/Source/ThirdParty/Oculus/LibOVRMobile/LibOVRMobile_062/1stParty/VrPlatform/libs/vrplatlib.jar"
dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/vrplatlib.jar" />
<if condition="bRemoveOSIG">
<deleteFiles filespec="assets/oculussig_*" />
<!-- optional additions to the GameActivity imports in GameActivity.java -->
import com.adcolony.sdk.*;
<!-- optional additions to the GameActivity class in GameActivity.java -->
/* Old SDK
private boolean bAdColonyAvailability = false;
// Called after a rewarded video has been viewed completely and user is eligible for reward.
public native void nativeAdColonyDidCompleteRewardedVideo(int reward);
// Called after a rewarded video availability ahs changed
public native void nativeDidAdColonyAdAvailabilityChange(final boolean availability);
private AdColonyV4VCListener AdColonyV4VClistener = new AdColonyV4VCListener()
public void onAdColonyV4VCReward(AdColonyV4VCReward reward)
//Just an example, see API Details page for more information.
//Reward was successful, reward your user here
int amount = reward.amount();
String name = reward.name();
private AdColonyAdAvailabilityListener AdColonyAvailabilitylistener = new AdColonyAdAvailabilityListener()
public void onAdColonyAdAvailabilityChange( final boolean available, String zone_id )
bAdColonyAvailability = available;
//Log.debug("AdColony AdAvailabilityChange");
else if(!available)
bAdColonyAvailability = available;
public void AndroidThunkJava_AdColony_ShowV4VCReward(String zoneId)
//Log.debug( "AndroidThunkJava_AdColony_ShowV4VCReward()" );
AdColonyV4VCAd ad = new AdColonyV4VCAd(zoneId);
//bAdColonyAvailability =false;
public boolean AndroidThunkJava_AdColony_HasRewardedVideo(String ZoneId)
return bAdColonyAvailability;
//Aurora sdk
//final String zoneId = ""; //Replace with your ZoneID from AdColony Dashboard.
private static String zoneId_g = "";
private AdColonyInterstitial rewardedVideoAd;
private AdColonyInterstitialListener listener;
// Called after a rewarded video has been viewed completely and user is eligible for reward.
public native void nativeAdColonyDidCompleteRewardedVideo(int reward);
// Called after a rewarded video availability has changed
public native void nativeDidAdColonyAdAvailabilityChange(boolean availability);
public void AndroidThunkJava_AdColony_ShowV4VCReward()
//Log.debug( "AndroidThunkJava_AdColony_ShowV4VCReward()" );
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onCreate metadata reading in GameActivity.java -->
//if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.AppId") && bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.ZoneId")) {
String appId = bundle.getString("com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.AppId");
final String zoneId = bundle.getString("com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.ZoneId");
this.zoneId_g = zoneId;
//Log.debug("AdColony.configure(\"" + appId + "\", \"" + zoneId + "\")");
//Configure AdColony in your launching Activity's onCreate() method
//so that ads can be available as soon as possible.
//AdColony.configure( this, "version:1.0,store:google", "appId", "zoneId" );
AdColony.configure( this, appId, zoneId );
//Log.debug("AdColony.configure(\"" + appId + "\", \"" + zoneId + "\")");
/** Create and set a reward listener */
AdColony.setRewardListener( new AdColonyRewardListener()
public void onReward( AdColonyReward reward )
/** Query reward object for info here */
//Log.debug("AdColony.onReward" );
} );
* Set up listener for interstitial ad callbacks. You only need to implement the callbacks
* that you care about. The only required callback is onRequestFilled, as this is the only
* way to get an ad object.
listener = new AdColonyInterstitialListener()
/** Ad passed back in request filled callback, ad can now be shown */
public void onRequestFilled( AdColonyInterstitial ad )
//RewardedInterstitialActivity.this.ad = ad;
rewardedVideoAd = ad;
//Log.debug( "AdColony.onRequestFilled" );
/** Ad request was not filled */
public void onRequestNotFilled( AdColonyZone zone )
//Log.debug( "AdColony.onRequestNotFilled");
/** Ad opened, reset UI to reflect state change */
public void onOpened( AdColonyInterstitial ad )
//Log.debug( "AdColony.onOpened" );
/** Request a new ad if ad is expiring */
public void onExpiring( AdColonyInterstitial ad )
AdColony.requestInterstitial( zoneId, this );
//Log.debug( "AdColony.onExpiring" );
//Register an AdColonyAdAvailabilityListener to be notified of changes in a zone's
//ad availability.
//AdColony.addAdAvailabilityListener( AdColonyAvailabilitylistener );
//Register an AdColonyV4VCListener to be notified of reward events
//AdColony.addV4VCListener( AdColonyV4VClistener );
//} else {
//Log.debug("Missing AdColony App ID and/or Zone ID on \"Extra settings for <application>\" in your project's Android settings. Example:
<meta-data android:name=\"com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.AppId\" android:value=\"Your App Id\" />\
<meta-data android:name=\"com.epicgames.ue4.AdColony.ZoneId\" android:value=\"Your Zone Id\" />");
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onCreate in GameActivity.java -->
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onDestroy in GameActivity.java -->
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onStart in GameActivity.java -->
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onStop in GameActivity.java -->
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onPause in GameActivity.java -->
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onResume in GameActivity.java -->
//AdColony.resume( this );
if (rewardedVideoAd == null ||rewardedVideoAd.isExpired())
AdColony.requestInterstitial( zoneId_g, listener );
//Log.debug("AdColony.OnResume" + zoneId_g);
<!-- optional additions to GameActivity onActivityResult in GameActivity.java -->
<!-- optional libraries to load in GameActivity.java before libUE4.so -->
<loadLibrary name="ImmEndpointWarpJ" failmsg="AdColony library not loaded and required!" />
<loadLibrary name="adcolony" failmsg="AdColony library not loaded and required!" />
<loadLibrary name="js" failmsg="AdColony library not loaded and required!" />
<!-- need this if plugin enabled and supported architecture, even if not packaged for GearVR -->
<!-- <if condition="bSupported">
<loadLibrary name="vrapi" failmsg="GearVR library not loaded and required!" />
</if> -->
Copy the library jar file to plugins folder, Plugins\AdColony\lib\Android, name it adcolony-3.1.0.jar and then at AdColony_APL.xml file change this line:
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android/adcolony-3.0.4.jar" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/adcolony-3.0.4.jar" />
<copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../lib/Android/adcolony-3.1.0.jar" dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/adcolony-3.1.0.jar" />
Delete all intermediate build, saved folders and try building the project again with visual studio and then package for android if it stills not working.
Or try it in a new empty project, adding just the AdColony plugin.
Check again your package name, should be like you will use it on google developer console.
If for example your application is fbtest, then it should be com.nameofyourcompany.fbtest, exactly as you configured google developer console and gcm settings on onesignal, not com.YourCompany.fbtest.
For my company that would be com.PandoraEntertainmentLtd.fbtest
Check again all settings at onesignal, how to setup google firebase for one signal and then your APL file. I used the old gcm service for setup not firebase. But there are instructions for firebase at one signal too.
At OneSignal’s Dashboard check at app settings and see if google android status is Active, check configuration.
it now working.
not sure why now it is working.
previously, i added onesignal and fb component both inside same actor. now i moved them into 2 different actor and also have deleted old apps from firebase and created new apps.
anyway, thanks.
[FONT=Arial Black]correction.
it does not work when app is in foreground. it only works when app goes in background.
If i remember, it is this line:.inFocusDisplaying(OneSignal.OSInFocusDisplayOption.None) that prevents a pop up message for the notification when game is in foreground.
There is already a handler there, for this case where you can pass a keyvalue on blueprint node. So you can show your own message with umg.
It is very basic implementation and everyone could do his own thing, that’s why i didn’t mention it in the post about onesignal.
With few tweaks in java cpp, you can have a messenger application’s functionality, with few umg and blueprint nodes for your game.
I just gave the instructions to send notifications to your games.