[FREE] 3D models and assets

Your website doesn’t work please fix ASAP

not working web site plz repair. ı need this model.

Nice models, thanks!

It seems that that your site is down when I hit the link it takes me to a directory of random words which branch off to different sites

I got a redirect to a page saying SERVER WARNING! and a bunch of weird letters.

Looks like they got owned by spammers. Do not click those links until OP fixes it.

Ps. I am removing links from op, so no more hits for ebil spammes.

OMG i really like the work so fare ,so whats up ?!

These assets look really nice, but as previously stated the link still remains removed and the website is down. If the author had to remove it for some reason, that’s fine. I think he should add something to this forum to tell people the assets are no longer available to avoid people from scrolling down and clicking on a dead link with possible spam.

web site is down…

Links removed :frowning:

I dont get the point of offering free assets when every single link is removed at this point. Not talking about this specific thread, but almost each one of em lol.

Anyone still having the files? Could post the link, please?

i also want this, does anyone has some sort of “backup” of this assets?