Frame rate significantly lower in packaged build

I’m noticing a significant drop in frame rate on my game when I play it in Editor versus when I play the packaged build. In the editor, on ‘Epic’ settings, I typically get around 110 fps. However, after I package the game, the frame rate is usually closer to 60 or 70. I’ve verified that the quality settings are the same in both builds (it’s set in the game mode, and I included a debug menu to toggle different quality settings). At equivalent quality settings, the packaged build consistently runs at a much lower frame rate, and I’m not sure why. Any ideas?

Huge thanks to dangerousbob88 for this: I found a solution in this older post

I’m honestly not one hundred percent sure if this is a true solution or just a hack, but it did solve the problem. After reducing the screen resolution 70 percent via console command in my Game Mode, the packaged game now runs at up to 148 fps. That’s one heck of an improvement… but again, not sure if that’s a solution or a hack?

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