Fracture geometry as pawn

I’ve created a blueprint with a static mesh (vehicle) in it that is player controllable by applying forces to it. Now I’d like my vehicle to break when running into things and I looked into fracturing my static mesh. I tried to replace my static mesh with a fracture geometry. This did not work since it is not a primitive component and thus cannot apply any forces to it (not controllable any more).

I’ve also tried to set it as a child to my static mesh but it appears it would lose any collision and never fracture if I set it to not collide with the parent. One more thing I tried was to replace my static mesh with my geometry on a hit event. This works but I cannot get the result I want (at the moment I just explode it on impact).

I feel I’m kind of stuck and asking for input on a better way to handle this. So how would I do to be able to fracture my controllable static mesh?