Fracture Cache 5.1 - Recorded Animation Teleports Thru Floor?

Hi, testing out Fracture Cache Manager in 5.1 and find that recorded animations teleport below the floor on impact.

EG: Playing back the cache via ‘Start Time’ via Cache Manager Object or via Sequencer I see the object fall to the ground. As soon as it touches the floor (which it collides with), it teleports under the floor and plays the fracturing animation. Everything looks as expected in play mode.

Tested on multiple levels with the same results.

Submitted a bug report. Tested in 3 different projects (including Content Examples 5.1) and have the same erronous result each time.

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I am seeing similar results. Do you have a link to the bug report?

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The UE bugtracker site is throwing 500 errors at me, but I will post it later. In the meantime, the solution I found to circumvent it is to have the cachemanager effected by a force (any force at all)

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Great, thanks for the workaround.

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