Fractals in UE4

Each Fractal Bprint creates a set of static meshes. You can place these bprints in every scenario you have created, multiplayer, VR, etc.

In my experiences, the dynamically spawned components doesn’t work out very well on all networked scenarios, and i had to manually add the components first to the BP, and then i can use these components for any mesh later. Without this the networking will be unable to determine the object’s name (they require to be Stably named if i remember correctly) and the synchronization between the end points are not going to happen. You can bump into an instanced mesh coming from a dynamically spawned ISM component, but you might can’t step up on it, that will cause issues and it spans the log with warnings. Some user have experienced disconnecting clients as well, and the issue might be tracked back to similar reasons.

The reason i was asking the networking is because i like the way your fractal models animating, and that would be great to be able to synchronize between endpoints. They could maybe grow in front of the players! That would be cool :slight_smile:

Hi VerumBit,

The latest video looks great! I can already imagine some really cool effects you can do at runtime by animating the scaling and twisting values!

Two questions:

You mention above that the BP creates static meshes - are you saying that each child is its own static mesh? or are you saying that the entire tree is a single SM? How does this affect performance when having lots of fractals in your scene? will you consider using something like HISM for each child to improve perfornace?

Any ideas on price point?

I’ll do a multiplayer test and see if all fine and create a new video.

Each child is created with an ‘Add Static Mesh Component’ loop so is its own static mesh.
Once created your fractal tree you can select the bprint in the scene and use the UE4 Convert to Static Mesh clicking on right mouse btn menu: it will create a unique static mesh that you will not be able to control anymore but will be no more a bprint.
About the price I’m still waiting for the UE4 team to validate the 10 bprints package so I’d like to wait…is less than $30.

Thanks for the fast reply! The price seems quite reasonable. I would like to see some performance testing on large scenes with animated fractal BPs (having so many static meshes in the scene concern me)…ideally, you could use ISMs or HISM to allow for thousands of children / trees on the scene. But I dont know how feasible this is ofc.

I’ll definitely keep an eye out for this one.

Keep up the good work!

I’ve made a video to show how fractals work fine on a multiplayer scene.
Hope it helps.

hi, great work!

2 questions:
when will it be in the marketplace?
why not use static mesh instances? I would think this will improve performance right?


About the marketplace, I’ve submit the Fractals on August and I red on a forum page that there were some delays on UE4 team side because of new workflow systems they have put in place.
I have receive answers from the marketplace team 2 weeks ago and the workflow re-started so should be published soon…I hope.
About the instances, will for sure improve performances: I have not entered that field of ‘improving performances’ but I’ll do some tests in these days and if there is a simple modification as I think, I’ll for sure update the package.…actal-tree-vol

On the marketplace today!

Build a Fractal Tree and control it together with the Player, simultaneously.

Unreal Engine Fractal Tree Vol 2: adding particles and blueprint + tree spline conversion.
A preview on the next Fractal Tree Vol 2 (ready on the Marketplace by Jan/Feb 2018).

Hello nice work,i have two questions before i buy.
1-your Blueprint have a multiplayer replicate?
2-you still go up to release VOL.2?

1-Multiplayer not included in the marketplace package.
2-Release vol2 has been partially developed but is paused for the moment. I’m using Vol2 bprints for a new game concept idea, I just published a gameplay video…check it here:

Update for 4.21 ? And then the upcoming 4.22 …

It says video unavailable.
Update for 4.21 ?

4.21 updated! :slight_smile: