FQuat Documentation is Misleading

The documentation for FQuat gives variables w, x, y, z in that order.

The constructor does give the correct param order: x, y, z, w but it’s in very small text while the variables in the wrong order are the first thing you see in large text.

Surely I’m not the first guy to go on a wild goose chase due to this variable ordering in the API. Please change the order that the variables appear in the API.

To be fair that part is a list of variables not sorted to a specific constructor.

FQuat has multiple constructors so you would still have to check every single constructor for its order and implementation on a class to see what it does.

Visual Studio should display the parameters on a method when you use it. From there by clicking it you can also jump between implementation and declaration.

For most part the documentation there is poop because it parrots what you already know from the code without actually documenting functionality in detail, nothing you haven’t seen already in the code.