FPS Tower Defense Toolkit

The v3.12 update has been submitted to the Marketplace.

Change Log:

  • Improvements to Damage Display System: Replaced the previous 3D Widget Component based texts with the more efficient 2D User Widget based solution from Floating Damage Texts.

    Unreal Engine | FPS Tower Defense Toolkit v3.12 | On-Screen Damage Texts - YouTube

    You can now use both Linear & Parabolic trajectories for your floating text movement, and customize its Color & Font Info through the **DamageTextConfig **variable in BPC_HealthManager.

The **Widget Class** parameter shown above enables setting of text movement type. Set its value to "Widget_FloatingText_Linear" for linear motion, and "Widget_FloatingText_Parabolic" for parabolic trajectories.

For more detailed information on how to customize the linear/parabolic motion for your text widgets, you can check out the documentation for Floating Damage Texts since the same framework is being employed here as well: **[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...vsyI2MkwsFLlA/](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15IsuaKGWlH4ul5wHuFeqHPBw0R5FgAvsyI2MkwsFLlA/)**. You can find all the relevant information under the following sections: Floating Text Widgets Basics, Controlling Linear Text Trajectories, & Controlling Parabolic Text Trajectories.

The Damage Display System is set to enabled for the enemy units by default. You can turn it On/Off for your enemy characters in just a single step, by opening up their blueprints, and setting the value of **DisplayDamageTexts?** (bool) in their BPC_HealthManager components.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the particle lag for Laser Towers when switching between targets.

Additional Notes:

  • Search for Version3_12 in the blueprint editor to identify all the major changes in this update.

The v3.13 update has gone live on the Marketplace.

Change Log:

  • New Data Driven Tower Customization Options: The DT_TowerData data table now enables even more tower customization settings through the addition of the following new parameters:
    1. TowerMesh: Overrides the default mesh for the Tower. Can be used to change the Tower mesh if youā€™re using the same Tower class for upgraded versions.
    2. TurretMesh: If the Tower has a moveable Turret, can be used override the default mesh.
    3. OffsetFromGridCell: Controls the spawn offset for the Tower relative to its grid cell location.
    4. UseGridOrientation?: Determines if the Tower should align itself with the underlying grid generators. Can be used to set up Traps along inclined surfaces.

  • Added a Socket based Turret Attachment system for Towers: Now enables Turret meshes to be attached to Towers through Socket locations instead of having to store transform offsets for each Tower class. Just make sure to add a Socket for the Tower mesh through the static mesh editor, and then set the Parent Socket for the Turret in the Tower blueprint as shown below:

Additional Notes:

  • Search for Version3_13 in the blueprint editor to identify all the major changes in this update.

Really liking the toolkit, Iā€™m trying to follow along removing tower bases but it seems the instructions provided are no longer relevant in 3.13ā€¦ Is there an updated tutorial somewhere for removing tower bases from game-play.


Hi Ozzorag, glad to hear that youā€™re liking the toolkit. :slight_smile: Iā€™m guessing that the recent changes to the Holographic Tower system might have broken the workflow mentioned in that tutorial. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Iā€™ll share an updated version later today.

Hi @Ozzorag , here is the updated tutorial based on the current version of the toolkit: https://unrealpossibilities.blogspotā€¦sed-on-v1.html

Meanwhile the old tutorial has been moved to a separate document as part of legacy tutorials collection. So if anyoneā€™s using an older version of the toolkit, older tutorials will still be available for reference at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ā€¦tjAZ0ImQ/edit#

Hey Stormrage,

Long time no speak.

It seems Iā€™ve lost access to this product, even though Iā€™ve paid for it? I canā€™t see it in my Epic Games Asset Store, and you can see from my posts in this thread I have used it.

Whatā€™s happened?


Hi Stoovey, yea itā€™s been quite a while. Could you tell me which version of the engine youā€™re using?

Iā€™m using the latest version of the Engine (4.25.4) , but itā€™s not in my market place/asset store to download/re-integrate into a project?

I donā€™t think thats the issue though - itā€™s telling me to rebuy the product.
I canā€™t even attach a screenshot because the forums have a ridiculous upload limit

Hi, could you check if the same happens with the browser version at: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketpā€¦efense-toolkit

Ideally, it should show Download instead of Buy when youā€™re signed in. I just wanted to check if itā€™s an issue with the Epic Games launcher or something related to the account itself. In any case, if you still have the purchase ID with you, just message or mail it to me (if not, just drop a mail to [EMAIL=ā€œmarketplace-support@unrealengine.comā€]marketplace-support@unrealengine.com from the email registered to your account). Iā€™ll take it up with the Marketplace team and get it sorted out.

Oh yea regarding the screenshot, I always use jpg format due to the upload limit.

Yeah, I wonā€™t have that email anymoreā€¦ it was years ago. Iā€™ll message/email the email address youā€™e provided.

Hi Stoovey, I just saw the response from Epic. I hope youā€™re now able to use it through your new account.

Yup! All good now thanks.

Just a question, didnā€™t this include basic multiplayer too, or has this now been removed?

If the latter, what packages would be good to integrate MP into this?

Glad to hear that its working now. I donā€™t have any experience working on the networking side of Unreal, and so multiplayer was never a feature. For the same reason, I donā€™t any info on what MP packages are good, apart from maybe the Generic Shooter which iirc was very well received at the time of its release. Though it seemed to have been discontinued at some point.

Just wanted to check before I deep dived too much. Is Ue5 version broken? I looked through the input and the character bp and everything looks hooked up but having multiple issues out of the box. The gamepad setup does not work at all even though its set up, and the main function of setting towers down does not work. I have only tried playing on the basic map but I figure if its broken there I wanted to make sure before I wasted too much time trying to trouble shoot myself. The shooting and waves work, but that seems to be about it. Any direction on how to resolve this? Again, only thing I have done is downloaded and made a project and went through some of the BPs without changing anything so far.

Hi there, I havenā€™t provided gamepad support for any of my products. So that could be the reason for it not working out of the box, but keyboard and mouse gameplay works fine in UE 5.0 when I tested.

When youā€™re trying to place a new tower just make sure to hold the Left Mouse Button and hold the Right Mouse Button when removing an existing tower. I modeled it after the game Sanctum 2 plus it prevents accidental placement of towers, but if you want the towers placed/destroyed immediately after a click, then you can remove the timeline for the confirmation delay within the BP_PlayerCharacter blueprint.

Let me know if that doesnā€™t fix the issue and weā€™ll look into what else might be causing it.

Okay will do! I just seen the gamepad input was in the project settings so I just assumed but that makes more sense. And thank you the placement does seem to work perfect now, I was holding it but just was not holding it long enough. Now I know where to look to tweak that. I only wanted to ask because last time I bought an asset I tried to dissect it for hours and it turns out it was broken in the backend lol I just wanted to make sure. I appreciate the timely response and look forward to diving into this asset.

Glad to hear that itā€™s working. I believe there used to be some text renderers displayed on the walls to convey the controls until I made some changes to the default map a few updates ago. Iā€™ll add them back so that itā€™s easier to understand. Feel free to ask if you have any doubts in the future.

The v3.15 update has gone live on the Marketplace.

Change Log:

I. Added a brand new custom AI Controller and Behavior Tree setup for the Enemy AI. Most of the AI decision-making logic has been shifted from the base Enemy AI class into these. This new design should also make it easier for new customers to understand since you can pretty much see the whole flow in one quick look.

Swapped out the custom AI Perception in the toolkit with Unrealā€™s native AI Perception system which will be far more efficient performance-wise when running on blueprints. While it comes with a few limitations compared to the old system, Iā€™ve implemented some custom checks to address them.

The Enemy AI blueprints now contain only essential logic and interface functions, thus simplifying the process of creating your own custom AI classes. Stay tuned for an updated tutorial on creating custom AI classes, coming soon!

II. Added button highlights to indicate the currently selected tower during the Tower Build phase of the game.

Additional Notes:

  • The 3.15.1 hotfix update has been submitted to the marketplace and contains bug fixes for the new AI system. It will also add 5.3 compatibility for the toolkit.

So cool that you are still updating!

Iā€™ve just started using this kit as my first Unreal Project!
It really is amazing!


  1. Iā€™ve bought this package for projectiles and have been trying for days (literally) with the help of ChatGPT and Youtube to change the Rifle and Tower projectiles.
    No clue where to insert the blueprint or how to do it.


  1. Same scenario with these Cool towers here.
    Struggling to replace your towers with these ones:


Link limit for a new user reached, Iā€™ll share the rest under this one.

  1. And then finally:
    I would like to replace your gun with these here:


I would really appreciate it.

Side note:
Iā€™m working on a multi-mode TD MOBA.

If you venture towards co-op multiplayer support as a paid DLC, Iā€™ll happy pay!

Hereā€™s a video of your amazing template in action so far.