FPS Tower Defense Toolkit

hi stormrage,
just wonder if the towers can be placed but on the left + right side walls ? similar to what you have here http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/102600/ss_331796e12ca00dcbe85b209c4c07353692e0c2e3.600x338.jpg?t=1424371288 ?

Hi duyth, those are traps right? There is no support for that right now, but Floor traps will be added in the upcoming update, scheduled for next week. As for the wall traps, I have plans to add it before the end of this month.

Update 2 (v1.2) now available on the Marketplace. Here are the major list of changes:

  • Floor Traps: The Floor Traps deal damage to all units passing through them. The traps can be upgraded to deal more damage.

  • Boost Tower: The Boost Towers increase the damage output of all nearby offensive towers by a certain fraction of their original damage output.

  • The toolkit now supports auto-scaling of Grid Floors based on the ‘Grid Size’ variable in Tower Spawn Handler class.

  • Updated to v4.9 of Unreal Engine.

  • Code optimization and Minor bug fixes.

Update 2 just went live today. I will put up the planned features for the next update soon.

Alright the next update will have some cool new features which greatly improves the scope of the toolkit. First of all, new and improved Grid Generators that can be rotated full 360 degrees in any direction, to create towers and traps on inclined floors, walls etc. As of now, the Grid Generators are fully functional. I’m working on integrating the tower placement logic into these.

Apart from that there are plans to include a third person shooter mode as well as wall traps.

Keep up the great work! Seriously love this package! Cant wait for Update 3!

Thank you @Zortalas. Really glad to hear that. :slight_smile:

As for the details regarding the next update, the tower placement logic has now been modified to support the new rotational freedom for Grid Generators. They work best till inclined surfaces of up to 30 degrees because I wanted to keep the towers stand straight even if the surface itself was inclined. The traps, on the other hand can be placed on inclined floors, walls, roofs or any other possible angle that you could think of. So if anyone wants the towers to also function like traps, it can be done easily by copying the spawn rotation code of one to the other. Here are some preview screenshots [moved to attachments] for tower placement on inclined floors as well as the new wall traps:

Oooooo … so many cool ideas … so many cool templates … so little time to make all the cool ideas using the cool templates.

Dammit … does anyone have a cloning machine? 8-{

Awesome release man … will definitely be acquiring this puppy … I have a bit of a hybrid idea that will leverage this kit quite nicely.

Thanks man. The only popular FPS Tower Defense games out there are the Sanctum games, which are quite good. But it’s basically kind of an unexplored genre even now. So I’m looking forward to see people come up with some cool games in this genre.

Third Person mode preview screenshot [Moved to attachment view]:

Update 3 (v1.3) now available on the Marketplace. Here are the major list of changes:

  • The new Grid Generator class can create grid structures in any angular direction in a 3D space. This allows complete 360 degree rotation freedom, thus vastly increasing the scope of level design over the previous versions of the toolkit.

  • Towers and Tower Bases can now leverage the new Grid Generators to allow placement on both normal and inclined surfaces. [Default logic works best up to an inclination of 30 degrees; but can be easily extended to work at any angle]

  • Traps have been completely integrated into the new Grid Generation system to allow dynamic placements based on the angle of the underlying grid surface. This upgrade facilitates placement of traps on walls, ceilings and other inclined surfaces.

  • A limited Third Person Camera mode has been added to the toolkit with all the default functionalities along with a new and more accurate aiming system for both FPS/TPS modes. Strafing animations for the Third Person mode are not included within the toolkit.

  • Other changes include optimizations for the Tower Spawn & Grid Snapping systems.

Documentation for the same at: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?79300-FPS-Tower-Defense-Toolkit&p=349197&viewfull=1#post349197

I bought this with intentions to use in 4.8 but the map and blueprints no longer seem to be compatible. Is there any way to get a working 4.8 version? On the purchase page it says its 4.8 compatible which is false.

Hi killian22, I’ve sent this information to the Marketplace team to see how best to handle this situation. I had assumed that there would be an old v4.8 copy in their servers [based on the download file size, which is twice the size of the actual toolkit], but it seems that either that’s not the case, or that some files might have gotten replaced in the server. I will get back to you as soon as I get a reply from the Marketplace team. Thanks for bringing this to my notice.

For now, if you require the project files immediately, you could message me your invoice number. I’ll have it verified with Epic and send you the v4.8 project files. However I’d like to point out that the v4.8 files will not have the new features that were added in the newer version updates.

Update 3 just went live today. The new features are listed here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?79300-FPS-Tower-Defense-Toolkit&p=394143&viewfull=1#post394143

Is the order ID the same as the invoice number?

Also wanting to know if the Tower AI can work as a turret without needing any sort of grid component? Not looking to make a tower defense game per se but I could really use more AI/tower defense AI in my game.

Yes that would be it. I’ve sent a mail to the team to get the confirmation for the same.

As for the towers, yes they will work irrespective of whether you have any sort of grid system or not. The tower AI is a completely independent system and as a result not dependent on the tower spawning system. For optimization reasons, you could delete some of the unnecessary variables that hold the grid data as well as the entire construction script as it is used for grid snapping.

Apart from that, you could just change the type of actor that the tower targets directly from the blueprint. So say, if you want it to target your player character, just replace the check for AI characters to instead check for the player. It would be as simple as changing the ‘Cast to’ functions. Then accordingly change the type of array holding targets in range as well.

Thanks for your help, please let me know.

Hey guys,
Do you find documentation for this product useful, what you would like to be added for it? I just check other people documentations to get an idea how should i build mine.

Thanks for your patience. I apologize for the delay. I will get back to you as soon as I get a reply from the Marketplace team.

As a matter of fact, I would like to know about that as well. Haven’t received any feedback regarding that matter yet.