I’m using engine version 4.18 because of a few plugins I can’t update yet.
So here is the problem: My game works fine - but as the game progresses FPS drop ONLY during mouse movement. It’s also a progressively worse frame drop as time progresses. So at the beginning of the game you don’t even notice it. 10-15 minutes in it’s barely noticeable. 30 minutes in it’s difficult to play. 50 minutes in frame rate is reduced to 10-15FPS when you’re moving the mouse. But as soon as you stop moving the mouse FPS will JUMP back up to like 70FPS.
I’m using a parent class Character (BP) for my player character. I’ve used both
InputAxis → Add Controller Yaw Input
Mouse X → Add Controller Yaw Input
to rotate the character within the level but both experience the same problem.
If anyone has ANY ideas I would be very grateful!
Thank you for your time helping me.