FPS Player is not starting at player start location UE5

Hello, I don’t know anymore. My character is not starting at location in the viewport and not starting at the player start. The player start position is correct. At some points, both work perfectly. It doesn’t work at other points and, depending on the location, I’m always promoted to 0,0,0 or to other points. Depending on the start location, the starting point always remains the same. Even if I start my map high above a broken spot, it doesn’t work. But again further up. I’ve already checked everything mr can think of. There are absolutely no collisions visible. I also checked out many GameModes from different assets. And I absolutely made no changes on my character_bp. I even have my backup-project from two days before and it’s working well there. Hope my english is ok. I have no clue what the problem could be.

Edit: If may character is “teleported” to 0,0,0 then there is no possibility to move the player and also no hud and weapon etc.

Hey there @lemon123! It sounds like your gamemode might not have your character BP set as the default pawn. I’d recommend first verifying that first in your game mode. Then if it is set, can you check if the player ever spawns at all by placing print string after the BeginPlay node on your character?

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Thank you! I will test it if it happens again. I deleted the project and worked further with my backup.

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