Fps Game Tutorial

i was just wandering how can we make the other person that playing sees full body character not hands is it auto or we have to make a blueprint for that?

use third person template project :slight_smile:
and you can edit camera distant from character blueprint .

You set up 2 skeletal meshes on your character blueprint. One is the FP mesh with just the arms, you set this to “Only Owner See” in the detail panel. The other is the TP mesh, which you set to “Owner Not See” (Might not be the exact wording of the options)

DEDRICK. I think you misunderstood the question. Op wants to be able to see everything, not just the hands.

Neo_Maister, you might want to take a look at this

What youre thinking of is known as “True” First Person.

What, I read the question exactly how he asked it. “make the other person that playing sees full body character not hands”

He wants to see only hands as first person, and full model for everyone else. The way I explained how to do is how the Shooter Game example handles the meshes