FPS Game Starter Kit

can you add this or is it not on your road

I’ll put it on the list of planned tutorials, but it will not to be integrated into the default build, as that would force everybody to use it.

I believe it’s best to have it in tutorial form, that way it’s there for people that want it, but those who don’t want it are not forced to use it, as not everybody is making the same game.

ha thats awesome thank you for that

maybe a difficult quistion when will the tutorial be ready do you have a rough idea

I’ll have 3 new tutorials probably ready over the next week, I’ll send you a msg when it’s uploaded.

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Thanks for the tutorials on your website its turning to be a amazing asset :smiley:

No problem :smiley: I’m glad you like it, more tutorials are coming soon don’t worry about it

Update 1.3 released, here is the change log :slight_smile:

-Added Physics explosions
-Added Grenades (placeholder animations for now)
-Added Hit Direction Indicator (Special thanks to r4nc1d for helping with the math)
-Added tracer effect option
-Added Steady-ADS animation checkbox to all weapon child classes
-Added FPP Weapon ADS sway option
-Added FPP optional blur while in ADS
-Added FPP animations for sprinting while unarmed
-Added FPP animations for jumping while unarmed
-Added ADS body movement sound
-Added ADS left-right for weapon child classes
-Added right arm rotation for weapon child classes
-Added Left-Hand IK support for TPS character mesh to weapon child classes
-Added crouch TPS no weapon animation
-Added basic recoil option (horizontal and vertical, aiming down sights lowers the values)
-Added slight gore when hitting the enemy with a critical headshot
-Added a “Buy Grenades” function to the vending machine
-Added TPS weapon positioning from child classes mesh
-Added sitting animation for buggy
-Added sitting animation for sedan
-Added new sounds for non-automatic weapons
-Added AI - Soldier can walk around, sees player, starts shooting, can aim, needs to reload, crouches when wounded
-Added AI - Zombie can walk around, goes to player, melee attacks
-Added AI - Charger runs to player, explodes
-Added AI - Simple patrol example

-Changed the rocket launcher projectile to support grenade jumping
-Changed Red barrel to use physics for explosions
-Changed climbing to actual state
-Changed ladders to require “Press E to Interact”
-Changed UnCrouch detection to ignore weapons and pickups
-Changed HUD to get removed from parent on player has died

-Removed legacy leftovers from the reload function from 1.0
-Removed the default VehicleGame driver mesh from the buggy

-Fix pistol names in the inventory (it was a typo, ok? I’m sorry XD)
-Fix in weapon reload animation for child classes (do once)
-Fix for a bug where the Double Jump would not reset
-Fix for a glitch that allowed sprint to be activated while in mid air and get additional boost
-Fix for vehicles so that they aren’t easy to push around

-Platforms: Linux support added (special thanks to LinuxDonald for testing)

Update 1.4 Released:

Added: increased number of save slots (3)
Added: swimming ability
Added: Melee weapon
Added: Laser weapon
Added: “Give Starting Weapon” from the Library is now integrated by default
Added: Dynamic Crosshair
Added: “Hide Dot While ADS” checkbox to all weapons
Added: Near Wall Check
Added: Bullet Spread Walking modifier
Added: Recoil now uses a Timeline to make it more smooth
Added: Recoil now has the option to reverse slightly
Added: Recoil values exposed to all weapon child classes
Added: “Character Tweaks” to begin play for easier access
Added: better “player died” (game over widget replaced with simple respawn)
Added: checkpoint BP using the new simple respawn logic
Added: a better sniper scope texture (special thanks to Nec)
Added: Burst Fire option to all weapons
Added: bounce option for projectiles (not destroy on impact)
Added: decal size to projectile child classes
Added: sound notify on sprint while unarmed
Added: loop interpolation for FPP walk and sprint (to make it more smooth)
Added: checkbox that prevents crouching while jumping
Added: fail-safes to vehicles to prevent driving under water
Added: vehicles can now be destroyed
Added: several fail-safes for melee attacks that prevent glitchy behavior if done at the same time with reload or zooming in with the sniper
Added: fire hazard can now damage enemies and be extinguished

Changed: TPS IK is disabled by default because it caused issues with characters from the marketplace that do not use the default ue4 skeleton
Changed: ADS blur does not apply if the weapon uses a scope texture (to prevent snipers having a blurry vision on large distances)
Changed: ladders (expanded collision boxes)
Changed: buggy antena collision is disabled now

Replaced: the blue background image in the inventory with a blur panel (Panorama UI XD)
Replaced: the array loop-fest inside “capsule trace for smooth crouch” function with a much more elegant solution

Fixed: a glitch where performing a melee attack during a reload would not cancel out reload entirely, just the animation, but not the logic
Fixed: a glitch regarding toggle for crouch

Platforms: MacOSX has been added

Hi. I bought it. I would recommend this. Its really great template. Many thanks!! :wink:

Heys, thank you! I’m glad you like it :smiley:

Yes! I like it, because its great for prototyping and i can start with this. And if I bought other templates, I spent days to remove content I did not need (art, etc). For me is one of the best template i bought yet.

Actually i have a question. I dont need this. But i am curious:

  1. Will be there blueprint of basic hovercraft? (maybe helicopter?)
  2. Or basic bullet time?

I know its more work.I am asking, because it may be attractive to future buyers and it can be easy to do it :stuck_out_tongue:

And again, thanks :wink: You save me a lots of time. :slight_smile:

Heys, that is awesome! :smiley:

As for the 2 things, that shouldn’t be too hard to pull off, in fact there are 2 flying vehicles already available on my website (glider and ufo) - click here to visit
Bullet time is not there, but there is a “drunk effect”, you could probably do something with that, as it’s a time based global slowdown and obscures player vision with post process effects. After a few seconds everything goes back to normal.

I just brought your pack 2 weeks ago. Is it possible you can make a tutorial? On how I can create Enemy characters using the A’I that comes with FPS Game Starter Kit

Hi, thank you for your purchase!

As for the AI, it uses the same skeleton like the player, so any character mesh with a compatible skeleton should work out of the box. The process is identical (import mesh, assign skeleton, change mesh). Didn’t really plan to write a tutorial about it, but here is a video example for it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvG_riVs_8Q

If you need more AI, you can check out my tutorial on how to integrate AI Behavior Toolkit or this playlist from Epic on how to make game ready AI.

I just got a chance to start a new UE4.20 project using your FPS starter kit and I love it! Very nice work.

A Couple of Questions. How do you start a player with default weapon(s) inventory? Secondly, on your start menu, how would you add support to select a map?

One Bug Noticed. When the player respawns after being killed, the player respawns with it’s last rotation vector and not the rotation vector of the playerstart location he is re-spawned at. No biggy, just thought I would mention it.

Heys, thanks, I’m glad you like it!

For the starting weapon, you can select one at begin play inside the character blueprint.
For a map selection screen I would probably create a new widget with all levels listed and have it shown on screen after the main menu.
I’ll look into the respawn rotation, thanks for reporting it, expect a fix in update 1.5

On a side note, I made a lot of tutorials and posted them on my website, worth taking a look because in some I go over replacing the default map, making new functions on the character related to weapons and inventory, saving and loading new variables, etc.


Update 1.5 Released:

-Added weapon attachments support
-Added inventory changes (weapons can now be stored in a backpack)
-Added primary and secondary weapon slots (old UT_Inventory shrunken down to 2 weapons)
-Added universal item pickup that can be stored (health used as example how to make more)
-Added Weapon switching animations (raise and lower)
-Added Weapon firing and reloading animations no longer require the blueprint graph in child classes (moved over to the details side panel)
-Added Weapon ADS override ability (for things such as secondary fire)
-Added TPS diagonal walking animations
-Added TPS climbing animations
-Added “Can change camera perspective” to character tweaks on begin play
-Added categories inside weapon child classes animations (for easier overview of what does what)
-Added TPS anim jump loop while in air
-Added Yaw float to recoil
-Added left hand rotation IK (for vertical grip weapons)
-Added check for reload during burst fire (waits to finish now)
-Added checkbox to the weapons if duplicates can be picked up
-Added checkbox to the weapons if it should respawn in the level after saving/loading (exists in inventory)
-Changed weapon class collision no longer blocks TPS view on overlap
-Changed vehicle collision to ignore the explosion after its health reaches 0
-Changed the pickups construction script not to rotate and mesh to a simple cube
-Changed map layout to use the color theme from the C++ version
-Changed inventory png files
-Removed old crosshair and sniper scope png files
-Fixed checkpoint rotation for respawn
-Fixed a disconnected node in TPS projectile spawn

Update 1.6 Released:

-Added BP_Library is now integrated by default
-Added Inventory Limit to Character Tweaks
-Added death animation
-Added custom Weapon Socket Name (GripPoint remains the default value, your old weapons won’t break)
-Added custom static crosshair support to weapons
-Added Muzzle & AmmoReject socket names can now be changed from weapons
-Added buy weapon function to the vending machine
-Added drop current weapon key (X) to the character (can be deleted, used for debug without opening the inventory each time)
-Added teleporter blueprint to the bonus folder
-Changed Item PickUp Base to render outlines only if overlap with player
-Changed landing sound cue max count from 0 to 8
-Changed play animation inside weapon base to check for >= bullets instead of > (last shot was not playing the animation)
-Renamed variables on projectile and set self to apply damage causer

Hi, great kit!

AI Questions:

How do I change the weapons on the AI Solider?
And how do I change the rate of fire for the AI shooting?