FPS example no gun mesh?

Is the gun mesh missing fr anyone else?


Yep, same here, but I think they will add one :slight_smile:

I think not. He just fire oranges.

The shotgun from the Blueguy was part of the arm meshes and not a separate component.
So the blue guy didnt have gun either, but was like Edward Shotgun-hands :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess its just a matter if Epic bothers to cough up a generic free gun model :slight_smile:

Hi ,

As mentioned, the gun was part of the same mesh and in 4.8 we’ve started making changes to move away from the previous mannequin models that were used for the templates. Changing the arms made the gun disappear. I’ve placed a feature request into our system for the gun mesh to be added. For your reference, the request number is UE-17373.

Have a nice day,

Thanks everyone!

Ok, I was just starting to wonder about that too!