FPS character turn slightly left when pressing “A” or “D”, which does not look very smooth.
My FPS animation blendspace is 1D and only has a “speed” axis.
As the gif shows at the end, every time I press “A” or “D”, my character lean left.
Question: I wonder what makes my character to lean left when pressing a and d?

Can you show the character movement logic?
Thanks for your replay!
This is my locomotion
This is idle to walk rule

This is my blendspace of the character
And this is animation BP event graph
The turning would probably be in either the character logic or player controller logic (the part where input is processed).
Thank you for your replay. 
I try to disconnect links through out the logic path and I find out it’s the blendspace that caused the left lean.
- I set the “sample smoothing weight speed” up and make it smoother, which solves my problem. It was 0 as default.*
But I still not sure what cause my character to lean left. 
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