I’m trying to do walking around a sphere but have a problem now. My character doesn’t want to rotate properly, see a screen with character position on the top and in the bottom of a sphere:
Maybe it’s a problem with the default yaw scale of 2.5 in the player controller?
You could try to uncheck ‘use controller rotation yaw’ in the class defaults of your pawn.
Currently you’re using set actor rotation. But the default FPS template rotation is bound to the controller. So you need to use ‘set control rotation’ instead of set actor rotation,
But then LookUp (Mouse Y) input doesn’t work. So i can move mouse only horisontally and when under the sphere Turn input (Mouse X) works opposite (Left becomes Right and otherwise).
I’m able to use look up in my case using control rotation. If you’re not able to get it working, 's solution is the other alternative. You just go into character details and uncheck use controller yaw input and you should be able to use actor location and rotation like you’ve shown in the screenshot.
Could you tell more about your case? How you use and control rotation and look up in the same time?
Uncheck use controller yaw didn’t help. And LookUp modigy pitch, how it could help?
You can first try a basic setup to see if it’s working. Say like when pressing T, you get controller and set control rotation. For the rotation input for the same, create a new rotator variable and have custom values for pitch and yaw. Also in your character, have controller yaw input enabled. Can you check if you’re able to achieve some random rotation in this scenario?
You need to uncheck Use Pawn Control Rotation on the FirstPersonCamera settings. This controller rotation is designed for a flat world as far as I can tell.
What you need to do is keep track of your own rotational input. For LookUp, you want to FIrstPersonCamera.AddRelativeRotation for the Pitch value. For Turn, you want to AddActorLocalRotation for the yaw. You don’t need to worry about Roll. Basically, we want the camera to stick to the rotation of the capsule, but we’ll rotate it locally and it should be the same as if on a flat world. You will, however, have to limit the relative Pitch so the player can’t flip their head upside down, but you can figure that out after getting this other stuff working.