FPS Cam With TPS project / hide head question


i try to make a FPS caméra with the TPS project.

the switch between FPS/TPS work well.

I have a little problem with the character head who is see when i up the camera and jump or if the camera is at 0 for the X coord where i see the pawn face from the inside.

If i change the X coord to 35 i no more see the head when i jump and the face but i no more see arms and the others parts of the pawn body.

How can i hide the Character head for the camera ?


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You can make character skeletal mesh invisible when you swi9tch to FPS.
And then make fps hands mesh visible.

ok, so if i want to see the body part when the character look down, i need to have a second mesh without head ?

Ahh then you want also body. I think for what you want you need custom mesh and animations. That would be hard to do with just default mesh.
You kind of want mesh that is split so you can hide/show body parts when needed.

ok thx for your help.

i will see if i can do that or i will stay like that with the head visible when the character jump and only if the player look up at the max.

You can use an opacity map driven by a material parameter to make head transparent when you switch to the first person mode.

hi, do you have a tuto link for something like that ?

hey mate

He is very good at it and it works

good night :slight_smile: