FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport Returns Null


I’ve been trying to integrate a third party dll plugin in my game but I am not able to call any function from the dll cause FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(args,*procName) always returns null.

I used dependencyviewer to check the function names in dll and they were different say void Initialize(char host]) is void Initialize@8(char host]).
I tried supplying Initialize@8 but that too didn’t work.

I am stuck over this so please help me out.

p.s. There is no problem with dll as I integrated same dll(s) in Unity and they worked fine. One more thing the plugin has some dll(s) and the dll I am loading has dependency on other dll(s).

I have the same problem!!! ¿Any solution?

Its called dll name mangling.
Here is a solution