Fov slider works in editor not in packed game

Hello Everyone!. I cant figure out why my fov slider works and changes the fov in editor but not in packaged game . It also works in standalone mode.
In editor:

In game:
It is stuck to 90 only

In char bp:

In widget bp:

I use a game instance for storing the variables.
Any help would be appreciated!

Not only does it not change FOV, it also doesn’t print string. Probable cause: Casting to game_instance fails.

Why would the cast fail in packaged build not in editor
Also it works in standalone mode of editor
Print strings wont work in packaged game also.

That is a good question.
First of all, connect a print string to Failed pin to make sure it really fails.
Second, try adding a short delay before getting the game instance in the character BP. See if it works.

After this my project wont go past the splash screen no matter how much i try to repackage it

That can’t be the reason. You must have changed something else, too. What’s the packaging error?

I also agree this cannot be the reason
Maybe my hard disk is having some problems.
And no packaging errors but the main menu won’t open.It only displays a black screen.In the logs I found a warning about ambiguity resolution.Somehow two maps are there in the name main menu but in the content browser it the second one won’t show up.
Anyway I changed one map’s name to main_menu_level.And it no longer shows any ambiguity problem.But it still displays a black screen.In editor it works(in standalone also) but in packaged game it doesnt.
Also tried packaging multiple times but didn’t get any sucess

Do you package Development or Shipping?
If Development, do you delete the previous build before packaging a new one?

You might have set a resolution that’s not supported by your monitor, and if it’s saved in the config, it will have a similar effect that you’re having. Look into config files and see find the confirmed resolution, and if it’s something weird, change it in the config file.

Thanks for all of your suggestions Tuerer!
Finally I have found the solution
I had the exact problem this guy had:

Following the answer in that thread I got my main menu to show up.
After that the fov slider works too!