I Started a new project, load up an old one, it does not matter. I don’t know what is happening in the Unreal Engine 5 editor, my FOV is constantly zooming out without any of my own input. When I hit play to load the level it looks fine but it as soon as I hit ESC and close that preview my FOV instantly zooms out on its own. Started happening out of nowhere.
Hey @itsKrissBruhTV ,
Do you have a driving wheel / flight stick / gamepad connected to your computer?
Do you have a keyboard-makro running?
What happens if you press Z or C? These keys change the FOV in the viewport.
I have an xbox 360 controller plugged in at all times. Something must have been pushing the joystick forward . I unplugged my controller and re opened Unreal Engine 5. Now it is back to normal, Thanks.
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