FOV and 2.5D

Hello everyone.

I’m working on a game that takes place in a 2.5D perspective and I’ve run into an unusual issue with the camera.

For now I’m using just the standard sideview camera from the sidescroller template. The camera has a default FOV of 90 and this really makes imported assets look strange. Round objects especially seem to get stretched and squashed as the camera moves past them and other objects like walls are represented as being much bigger and longer than they actually are.

I’ve tried playing with the fov but that also affects the distance from the player. So setting the fov to a lower value will put the camera right in the characters face.

Any tips or guidelines for achieving a normal camera setup for a 2.5D game? Or is this already normal?

It is normal. You just need to move the camera away from the player as you lower the FOV.

As Jacky says, the lower the FOV the bigger the distance. In my game I use an FOV of 20 so the camera must be quite far away.
There are a few small annoying issues with having such a low FOV, especially with the GUI elements that get scale up a lot (trace impact point are huge and cover the entire character) but also some more serious ones like some weird artifacts at the edge of refractive objects.