I found this interesting instance: “WorldPartitionMiniMap.”
Could this perhaps adjust the size and scale of the in-game minimap? There appears to be no customizable options as of yet. Maybe some will be added in the future?
It would be nice to be able to change the size of the minimap so that it isn’t too small for big maps or too big for small maps.
We have explored a few ways to allow more detailed control of the in game map internally, and we can’t speak to where those plans fall on our roadmap right now.
In case your were curious and wanted to try and get a little more control over the map until we release improvements, we currently create a bounding box of all the Actors in your map, and try to use that information to determine the bounds of your level. We have a limit set right now that caps it to a radius of 61,000. If you work within that radius, and make sure no actors have extraneous scale or meshes causing them to be huge, you can get the map to draw rather nicely around your island.
Here is an example of the Blank Map project template and changing the bounds of where it draws.
This is what the map looks like without any changes.
I added the castle keep prefab from the Prefabs section using the Phone Tool and pushed changes you can see the map grew back in size a little bit, showing the Spawn pads, and the caste keep now!
Excellent, I wonder if we will one day be able to hide things like roofs or terrain and implement several minimaps for a detailed area switch or current floor level.
This has been my experience, so I’m bumping this to see if we could get some kind of resolution.
An island isn’t much of an island if it’s not surrounded by water, right? Right now my small-ish island sits in the middle of a bunch of empty space because the ocean pushes out the bounds, making the map pretty useless (especially since map zoom resets each time you open/close the map screen)
I know in one of the last updates to UEFN, they added a new tool under the “build” tap at the top of the screen called “build world partition minimap” I haven’t tried it out myself yet because my island isn’t done, but it should allow you to re-size the minimap I’m assuming according to the landscape. Or have you already tried that and this is an issue with that tool?
Unfortunately I’m not sure what to do at this point. It’s possible that you may be experiencing a bug or I misunderstood the minimap tool’s description.
There’s an option to only load cells you are working in, building the world partition minimap provides you a minimap preview of your world without having to load those cells.
Works hand in hand with streaming and can help increase editor performance while working in large or heavy levels.
As far as I understand it is not related to the in-game minimap.