Found disallowed object type issue

When trying to make a cinematic sequence in Unreal Editor for Fortnite I have an issue when i try to ‘push changes’ after i have the sequence set up (correctly) i get a message: ‘Found disallowed object type /Script/FortniteGame.FortPickupAthena’. Anybody know a fix for this? The cinematic is set up and working in the editor, only when i got to ‘push changes’ is there an issue. I have closely followed a tutorial (link attached), and no one else i know of had this issue.

Please reply with any help.

[Video tutorial - Fortnite UEFN Beginner Tutorial - Cinematic Sequence Device (Creative 2.0) - YouTube ]

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Same here. Have you found a solution?


This forum talked about this, unfortunately it seems currently that we just have to delete the object that is causing the issue, however it looks like the UEFN team are looking into it!

I got to resolve that by suppressing remaining depandancy of last removed object direct in the game creative mode, it was a pignata, but in the unreal project, even if the pignata was no more there, I did have to delete a sort of invisible object direct at the place of the pignata, and was ok after.

Same issue here. It happends when I place any VFX effect(niagara), I used smoke and fire, same issue with both.