Long story short, I want to move my character forward when BOTH Left mosue and right mouse buttons are pressed.
Attached is a screenshot of what a post from 2015 suggested, but I was unable to get the character to move. The Branch statement does work and it does detect if both buttons are pressed or not. I just could not figure out what was missing to get things running… Pun intended.
Any help would be lovely,
So I ended up doing the following and got a working solution however, I am sure it will run into issues later.
However I will post it just in case someone else needs it in the future.
![alt text][1]Updating this again just for the sake of having it written down for me and anyone else that may need it. I found a solution that does not work off of ticks, so hopefully this will work better for someone.
I do not know if I am the person to speak on this, but Branch statements detect if the keys are press or not, then if it is pressed it opens a gate that will repeat an action every 0 second until the gate is closed (when you let go of both mouse buttons), and in this case said action is walking forward.