For some reason typing in posts containing code blocks sometimes makes typing lag, such as here:
[UE5.1.1, Feature Request] Avoid handling input for critical editor controls? - #10 by Roy_Wierer.Seda145
it’s not the browser freezing, just the text area. Nothing strange in the network activity, no errors in the console. Nothing changed on my side this behavior just started within the last few months.
April 9, 2023, 1:10pm
I have a similar issue with the forum, might not be a code block related as i cannot see the post in question anymore it freezes up the tab/browser
Here are 2 straightforward ways of doing it:
This one is extremely simple and does the job pretty well.
This one on the other hand is more complex but is way nicer and has replication cappabilities. Note that the second approach takes way longer to do.
that post in particular. May or not be related