Forum UI could be better

Since my post did not receive any attention, I want to try and start a new discussion.

We’ve been using the forum since a while now, so I think we all have a good enough feel for it.

My evaluation is that it is not ideal. Too many clicks, too much scrolling, too little information.

I understand that the bootstrap trend is hard to ignore. Bootstrap is ideal for use with tablets and mobile phones, but I bet all of the regulars here have a huge screen on a desktop PC. Also, this forum here is about the technical intricacies and not a fly-by social media event.

Maybe it’s just me but I am starting to get really tired of it. I want to be able to see more with less effort and be able to use proper search parameters, as indicated in the linked thread.

What do you guys think?


Seem to remember several typical-forum useability facilites were lost. Retrograde.

For example date/time/username of most recent post, which you could go to in one click.

Too much useless white space everywhere, makes the big picture hard to see. Less at-a-glance intuitive, harder mentally, stressful.
